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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A43JOxLa5MM&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMmc6hNgGjM&feature=player_embedded
  2. Well hows about this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXdUcwo7UcE&feature=player_embedded
  3. Just edit your first post and I believe it gives you the option ;) Good nice solid truck project. Keep her low and throw some dog dishes on there and it would be PERFECT.
  4. Had a similar problem on my 210. I have tow hooks on the front that I jack up on that give me tons of space. Not sure if you have them. For the side and rear I jack up on one of the areas where the links for the rear end meets the body. but again, not sure that you have that area since you have IRS.
  5. Damn man, too bad you aren't closer to me. I'd take it without hesitation!
  6. Yup, I'm pretty confident that the A15 had a stock matchbox dizzy. I didn't even know until I pulled the cap one day to check the points and found it's electronic ignition. SWEET!! But unfortunately, still doesn't solve my fuse problem :( Been through EVERY wire.
  7. I use an MSD Blaster 3. An MSD tech that I spoke to mentioned that I have to use the resistor on stock ignition system.
  8. LOL I won't tell if you don't. Where is the ground commonly at? Is it a wired ground or a physical ground?
  9. Yup, Mike is a drunkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    1. INDY510


      Ban Datzenmike!!!!



      wait,,,, , whut????

    2. metalmonkey47


      LOL It's kami all over again. Go Lynch!!

    3. Pumpkn210


      I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  10. lol Mike, you're drunk. It's electronic ignition. no spark because the "Ignition Control" fuse is blowing and theres no grounding out anywhere
  11. Sorry, multimeter. Sorry, I've been
  12. Turns out it wasn't the coil. Also tested the ballast resistor with an ammeter and tested a correct .8 ohms. Any ideas?
  13. fixed it ;) Seriously though, don't get too ahead of yourself kiddo. It's nice to have plans, but tackle one problem at a time. Too many tasks at once and you'll find yourself in over your head just like me. :( Start with the essentials! When you can drive her daily is when she's ready for serious modding.
  14. Got boored with some galvanized steel. Made a template for my door. Guess I'll go get some aluminum and use this template for it. Then get some sound deadening and be quieter then stock.
  15. Megasquirt is easy. Get some laxatives.
  16. My brother got to my computer. Asshole.

  17. Alright I did some screwing around and found that it's my ignition coil (somewhat.) I disconnected the negative side of the coil from the ballast resistor and turned on the ignition and the fuse was fine. What would cause the coil to spontaneously die like this? I'm only assuming it's dead. I suppose I'll have to go buy another one from Autozone.
  18. SO I just had my car running to warm it up so I can re-torque the head and adjust the valves, and I noticed it was missing pretty bad after it ran for a while. I pulled the spark plug wire for cylinder 1 so I could go through all the plugs to find which one it was missing on and the engine flat out died. I reconnected it and when i tried to start the car and it just wouldn't fire. I ran around the car for a short bit and found that the fuse for the "Ignition Control" was blown. I replaced it since it was an old ass fuse anyways, and as soon as I turned on the ignition it blew again. I ran through all my wiring and found nothing shorting out. Where should I look next? Also, I noticed that at times, my negative battery cable gets very hot. I always thought this was because it's old and corroded and needs to be replaced. Not sure if this is connected to my problem any.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rmWnwtps6I&feature=player_embedded
  20. X3 on the tires. Its a good investment for ANY old car. If those fail at a higher speed, it's a lot more dangerous that most other parts that could fail. You really need to do a full inspection of the car before doing anything. Repair what matters. Don't worry about modding it yet until it's at the point where it could be a reliable daily driver. The most important part about building a badass Datsun is having a good base to start with. Fix all the problems and then when you're building the car, you don't have to worry about them getting in your way. You're young so you have your whole life to be building old Datsuns. This car is a GREAT learning experience. Treat her well and she will repay you with more memories that you could possibly fathom.
  21. Hey, I started out in the same boat as you. I'm 19 and when I got my 210, it was my first car. I learned ALOT from it. Fought a lot of problems, spent a lot of money and time, and it all payed off. Ratsun.net is a lot of the reason that my car is what it is. It taught me a lot. You're lucky to have a 510 as a first car. Lots of different directions you can go with it. Anyway you go, you will enjoy it. Any problem you have or any deadend, Ratsun is here to keep the wheels turning.
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