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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. IIRC, you should have power to the coil with the ignition on without the starter turning. How were you checking for spark from the coil? At a spark plug? Or on the wire feeding to the dizzy?
  2. meh, I had to teach her how to make it.. lol Her sammich making skills are terrible. She fails as a woman.
  3. I think Steve is the new Kami Ask my GF. She's in the kitchen cleaning up :rofl: Seriously, it was seasoned with Italian seasoning, fresh cut pepperoni, and lots 'o onions.
  4. Your best bet is to take these steps. You CAN get it wiped, but I'm not sure if you can restore it to factory on your specific system. There is a way it can be accessed across the internet through some programs, but it's super slow and laggy. Would take HOURS to get something done. Maybe a local Ratsuner can help ya out. I never defrag. lol I run Windows 7, which was advertised in the beta form as a OS that would never require it, because when it's idling it defrags itself. Not sure how well it works though.
  5. Ouch. Fucking creeps. Reminds me of a time my brother and I got cut off by a Mazda6 in his big ass GMC Sierra. The kids jumped out at a stop light and ran up to my brothers door and he swung it wide open into the kids face. he went flat on his ass and left a nice blood spot on the window from his nose. Next thing ya know, cops roll up and they're arrested. End of story.
  6. Books? Hell no! We run a system called 'Z-net'. I know, computers suck for parts look-up, but our system is great. It literally never proved to be a challenge. It's organized and well designed. I can look up torque specs, firing order, cooling system capacity, you name it! Hell, I can even cross-reference all kinds of parts like relays, EGR valves, etc. We also have a full database of OBD2 codes. Not that I need it, I can pretty much tell you what any code means by now :rofl: It helps that it's well put together though. Makes working through it all so much easier. We do have a few books on the shelf, but most of them are aftermarket accessories. Holley, Edelbrock, Zex, NOS, you name it. Hell, we can even order SOME rims.
  7. I think it's time for an oil change.

  8. LOL jeeeeezus man. What's the NGK part number for the platinums on a late 90's Chevy 350? :rofl: Or how about the battery class of Ford F150's and Exploders? Those are easy ones
  9. Back track all your wiring to verify it's correct. Are you getting power to the coil?
  10. Anyone by chance got pics of the bumper mounts on a 1200? I also need some measurements of length and stuff if anyone's got them or has a 1200 you wouldn't mind posting. I want to see how simple they would be to mount on my 210. I wanna get a rough idea before I take a 1 hour trip to pull-a-part and grab the one's from this '66 Thanks in advance.
  11. Quit starting shit. If you wanna get banned, thats your problem, otherwise, I'm gonna go enjoy my omelet
  12. Hitch, bring it to me at my AZ and I'll scour the shelves for you. Theres GOT to be a sealed one to match.
  13. Jesus Christ dude, who kicked sand in your vagina?
  14. At my job? fuckkkk no. It was easy. i was willing to do all the shit no one else wanted to. I was stuck cleaning the back room, stocking ice from a -50 degree freezer, an being the managers bitch. It was shit work, but it was money all the same. More money, more Datsun parts. And I need 'em. The union lady woke me up this morning and told me she may not be able to do anything since it's after 30 days since I worked last and the contract states I have to file a grievance withing 30 days. I'm faxing her an official statement now and gonna wait for her to set up a meeting. I seriously don't get why everyone's beating on this thread Ratsun has hundreds of members. Never know when one is an attorney or related to one and could give some honest no bullshit advice. I've never been in a situation like this before, and I figured since the majority of Ratsun seems to be mid 20's to late 40's, I'd ask someone who might have been through this type of situation. hell, I even had some PM's from guys that didn't want to get bashed on the thread for giving advice. Seriously guys? This is general discussion. Thanks for all the advice so far.
  15. This^^ LOL They're great for forklifts I hear :rofl: Seriously though, go L series. It's MUCH simpler and cheaper then the KA. The KA is a great engine, but if you have no fab skills, then it won't be easy. Your diff is only rated to 200lb-ft of torque, so if you go SR or CA you're gonna kill the diff QUICK! L motors are a dime a dozen and I hear that they make a nice improvement over the A. More of a reason to do the L.
  16. ^^this. Thanks bud, thats really a good question I suppose. i don't know much about how the union operates, and never had to deal with one, so i guess for now I need to keep bugging the shit out of the rep until she gets off her ass and helps me.
  17. Some guy told me I should RB my 210 today. I LOL'd

  18. Why the hostility? Shit ain't necessary. Attorneys bank off of me winning money, so of course they're going to tell me I have a case. they loose nothing but time with it if its a loss.. I simply asked whether or not people though it was worth me wasting my time perusing.
  19. usually, none of that stuff is in stock since it's a low sale item. Next question is whether or not the vendor has it in stock or not. The prices and quality usually kick ass. A-series starter is $23 iirc, and gear reduction is $50.
  20. LOL I don't blame ya a bit mate! Theres a LOT of Autozones where the staff is full of ignorant, slow fucks who don't give 2 shits about customer service. My Autozone is known through the state for having the highest customer satisfaction rate (guess why:rofl:) I have people come in and ask for me by name. lol it's kinda annoying, but flattering. The shop across the street gets so much business through me that I get great deals from em. Got a whole exhaust run for $80. I went to Napa today and asked for header flanges. The dude came back with collector gaskets....
  21. Just ate some candy and now the rooms spinning. WTF did I just eat???

    1. metalmonkey47


      ollz, maybe I'm over-doing it but this shit is clown shoes


  22. This is kind of a complicated subject, but I'll give you guys the simple version. I was, until a few weeks ago, employed at my local Kroger grocery store, working minimum hours in the grocery dept. for an extra few buck on the side. I've been there for about 3 years and in about mid-February, another local store closed, forcing several employees to be transfered to our store. At the same time, they cut out budgeted hours in the department. I was approached one night by my manager, telling me that for a short time, i will not have hours because of this. Other employees had seniority, and since I was working another job, I was first to be knocked off the list. A few months went by and I never heard anything back about any available hours. I go up occasionally and ask just to be sure, but there was never anything available. Now, fast forward to a week ago. I was approached by my brother who was pretty pissed and told me that he spoke to one of the managers who mentioned that I have officially been layed off due to lack of work. At the same time, i discovered that there WERE hours that became available in the department, and that shortly after I was layed off another few people were hired into the store. INSTANT FUCKING RAGE TIME. I know this is breaking a federal law. I called the union at 9 this morning and left a message with my union rep, who has failed to return my call even though it's rather urgent. I don't expect an immediate response, so I figure I'll wait until end of day tomorrow and see what's up. Hopefully I get a call by then, because if not I'm gonna be PISSED. Should I contact a lawyer about suing Kroger for lack of wages and wrongful termination? I KNOW what they did broke a federal law, so there must be some compensation. My brother worked there for 6 years, and mentioned to me that he saw a similar situation at 1 point, and the person sued and won $10K from Kroger in lost wages and compensation. What would you guys suggest at this point? Does it sound like a legit case to you?
  23. X2 I completely agree. Nothing beats a nice, clean new install. It's just a little more complicated and a longer drawn out process. Most people that could do a full fresh install don't even need this write-up
  24. Evan, The local pull-a-part has a '66 1200 on the yard that just showed up. Not sure if you can use the bumpers, but if you can I'd be happy to run down there and see if they're usable.
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