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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. The problem I see, is that once you start making it faster, the quicker you go the faster you have to stop. On top of that, you need to corner. Engine swaps get expensive quick. Thats why I'm not in a hurry to do mine. The trucks aren't designed for that kind of abuse, so expect to be spending money once you start breaking it. And you will break it sometime. I say do it though
  2. Orrrrr my current one? Maybe I steal? Maybe????
  3. The guys at GZ would have a ball with this one. It's so clean, it would be a total blast to work on! I think a short stroke RB would be cool as hell Or even cooler, a procharged VH45DE.
  4. Ask PPK His height is different every time he takes a oicture I kinda like the stock height of the B310. It could stand to be an inch or so lower, but it's not too bad.
  5. :rofl: shut up izzo before someone starts to believe you LOL
  6. Very good possibility it's sucking back into the intake. I'm gonna go back and see if I can return the reman and pay the difference on a new one.
  7. I'd think it would be stiff if it was the brake booster Plus I'm sure it would run like ass when I jump on the brakes. I'd be opening up a rather heavy vac leak if it was bad. This car is odd. I"m kind of tempted to blame the reman M/C again, because it does look like I'm loosing fluid, but I haven't found any on the car. It's either leaking out at the calipers and burning off, or it's leaking out the back seal of the M/C. It's weird. The car was fine for a while after installing the M/C and bleeding, then I drove it hard and it's been shit ever since.
  8. Here's what you need to do the job right. You can cut the springs, but is that REALLY how you wanna lower your car? Or do you wanna be able to brag that your car is slammed via coilovers, with the ability to adjust the height. FRONT: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/28642-custom-coilovers-sunny-specific/ REAR: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/30153-my-home-built-rear-coilovers/
  9. ^^Reason I love Ratsun right there. And I'll leave it alone this time. Skib can handle that one :rofl:
  10. I just can't get a good strong weld off stick Maybe just because it's a cheap POS welder? Idk, I've always been partial to mig welding. It was the first welding I had ever done. Learned on some $1K+ welder my brother borrowed from the metal fab place he worked for. Came with a big ass tank of shield gas that made it a hell of a lot easier to deal with. First thing I bought after buying my own welder was a self adjusting helmet. Saved a lot of pain in my ass!
  11. I hate stick welding. I kind of like my cheap H/F flux welder. It's cheap, not the best, but It's great for learning.
  12. I see what you did there Ever used a lawnmower with VTEC? Shit gets done!
  13. I actually don't hate Hondas. I USED to. After hanging out with a lot of people locally that really build the cars right and do them justice, I've come to respect and understand them. Theres a lot I don't like about them, but I really have a lot of respect for some of them. Honestly though, their street cars and their race cars are VERY different. I love the Honda race teams. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XynUk-lqT1o&feature=player_embedded
  14. BUMP. I can drive the car normally, and the brakes will be soft as hell, but if I go tearing down the road shifting at 5K, the brakes are hard as hell and tear your face off. WTF
  15. Okay, so the problem is NOT fixed. It came back the other day, and I just didn't have the time to post it. It is intermittent though, so I'm curious if it's the calipers. I think I'm gonna go ahead and order new calipers Friday
  16. Dana, call my cell. I have a possible good home for the 620 ;) I keep loosing your number
  17. So I opened the autozone this morning, and this 70 year old dude came in and waited at 7AM until 7:30 for us to open, JUST to buy a turbo badge for his wrangler :rofl:
  18. Lucky man! I usually check for the hell of it. You seem to get a lot of the good deals. 411, and now 510! The springs look like front 510 springs. I think they're identical to the 210's, either that or it's rear springs
  19. my temporary exhaust http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63UnvWhQgxU
  20. seriously??? How did I miss this sweet deal??? Lucky man! A good 510 in GA is something to be jealous over PS: If you feel like parting with any of those springs, let me know
  21. you mean the backward hat douchy lardo's? Or the gangsta "OOO CHROME FENDAR VENTZ FER MUY IMPALA" people?
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