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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. A hammer lulz I'm kidding. Never looked at them before, but I'm sure it's fairly straight forward
  2. Whelp, fortunatly the area that failed should be easy to locate without dropping the tank. I'm fairly upset that it's failed so quickly, but It's not an 'exact science.' Theres a lot better ways to fix it. The truck feels like a monster. It's power is all top end. Feels like Vtec! It takes off in higher revs. I can chirp second with no effort and it's 100% stock other then the glasspack. Can't wait for the weber, EI, and cam in the future.
  3. It's a cheap looking glasspack. Theres more rust on the glasspackthen the rest of the truck LONG story short, condenser was shorting on the points
  4. Damn man... I wish i realized where you were before, I woulda sold you my 210 cheap! SOOOO close!
  5. Yup, it's gone now. I filled it up, and it's dripping like mad.
  6. Yup, so that tank patch already went to shit. I topped it off, got home, and it's dripping again. FML
  7. Yeah, JB stick is the shit. First time I EVER used it. And it treated me well. I'll make it if I can help it. Gonna be the week of my birthday if I'm correct, and it would be a blast 5 speed is a need, and so is a new clutch Doing that one of these days.
  8. ANNND she purrs I was adjusting the timing a few min earlier and figured I'd make a video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlbEr9kEYLA
  9. sounds pretty typical for a datto motor to me. But like DTP said, do your adjustments and double check! ^^^ An over tight valve will cause a lower compression on that cylinder. Even though, that's probably not related, it never hurts to do it.
  10. Mother fucker :rofl: I actually tried to edit that before you added the extra text :rofl: yeah mang, she's staying L powered and yellow! I love it. Never had a Datto this clean
  11. Painted the grill and the trim on the hood like a bawse!
  12. Here she is before and after she came home :fu: ^^^Hood hinge was fucked. Welded it up and lubed. = MUCH BETTER!
  13. Hell yeah man, Charlies shit is just plain awesome. You know we have a meet at GZ coming up soon right? December 5th if I'm correct.
  14. Drove the 620 ALL day. Put 80 miles on it today without a problem. I love this truck!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      awesome !!! congrats dude !!!

    3. RedBanner


      So do i looks great, name it chubby, like i said... Like... I .... Said....

      Ollz, realy my faverite 620 paint job so far tho ( maybe a close second to the realy realy nice blue one in the sightings thread)

    4. moparvwfreak


      I use my 620 as a pizza delivery vehicle. Gets better mileage than my BMW or my Passat and have only had it fail twice on me. Brakes the first time and a $10 set of plug wires the 2nd. I love my truck!!!!

  15. Hows the idle? Rough? Smooth? Normal? What RPM? Need more details.
  16. It runs! And I'm sooooo fawking happy about it. Turns out the insulator on the points where the condenser connects was cracked, and it was shorting out on the points. Fixed and now it runs great! Again, thanks for all your help guys! I think I'm gonna go enjoy my L20B now
  17. I'm gonna have to answer all questions in the morning. Just got home from work, and haven't had time to play with it. Nearly midnight here. It was okay. I already wired in the new resistor and had to replace the ring terminals. Wasn't worried though, just soldered on new terminals and slathered it in di-electric grease and some heat shrink tubing to keep it fresh. Truck still doesn't run.e So in this case, the resistor is obviously not the problem. Regardless, it's got a new one on now since the old one was broken. I'll make sure to get one with the proper spec as soon as I get a chance to source one. Got a carb kit and replaced the accelerator pump. Now that problem is solved. To an extent. I'm VERY ignorant when it comes to ignition systems. Actually, wiring in general to me. Mechanical things are my sort of 'expertise', if you want to call it that. I'm much better with handling problems I can physically see. I like to learn, so I like to ask questions. The positive side to these problems, is that I learn a great deal of information that I can put forward when someone else needs help. Even if what I'm learning isn't relevant to my problems or doesn't solve it, it's still +1 knowledge on my end. That's part of the reason I enjoy posting on Ratsun so much. The environment here is like no other. The support from other members in completely opposite places is without equal. With that said, I do appreciate all the help you guys have given me, especially you(hainz) and Mike. I'm still learning OHC and L-series as well as points ignitions. It's great having some information to look back on.
  18. Whelp, I think I've found the problem. I pulled the ballast resistor connections to clean em, and the damn thing fell to pieces. And it looks like this: Do I need any specific resistance to replace? Will my .8ohm be sufficient? I'll double check after the above is repaired
  19. Checked for spark @ plugs, and it's weak. It will cough,but refuses to fire. Spark is weak and intermittent.
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