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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. The adjuster still had a few turns to go in, but then I literally have no brakes and my pedals gone soft. (Interesting right) Definitly going to try flipping around the shoes right now.
  2. Welcome to Ratsun! http://www.davidcmurphy.com/olddat/620tech.htm http://www.davidcmurphy.com/olddat/data/1974_Datsun_Pick-up_Serivce_Manual.pdf ^ Everything you need to know can be found in the FSM provided in the above links.
  3. So I swapped the old shoes back onto it and it STILL drags. This is driving me crazy. It didn't do this before I changed the shoes, and putting the old shoes back on didn't fix it, so it must be something I did while working on it?? that seems to be the only common variable.
  4. Ok, so here we go. The drag is even for the entire rotation of the drum. I can't seem to find ANY physical evidence of anything dragging except the shoe on the drum. In fact, upon closer inspection I found that the leading shoe had slight signs of heat scoring where it was dragging too. Strange thing is that the truck even pulled to the right, even though the drivers side was where it was already dragging. Comparing the old shoes to the new shoes I really found no physical difference. What I'm going to go ahead and do for now is swap the old shoes back onto the truck until I can find a reason as to why they'd be dragging. Here are a few pictures of the old shoes and etc. OLD SHOES: Bent backing plate is probably it. I imagine someone probably tried to pry against it to get the drum off. It looks perfectly round, but who knows right?
  5. Abnormal Bearing play??? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBCQOw21Yi4&feature=youtu.be
  6. I don't feel any play in the bearings, but it wouldn't take much for that to be a probable cause would it??
  7. Pierce, theres a 620 being parted out near me that has a running L18/A87 head that you could probably snag for $200 and just sell the short block.
  8. SO I swapped drums on the front and the problem stayed at the driver wheel so I know that's not the drum this time. I also pulled the shoes/adjuster out and it spins freely, so I know that it's 100% brakes. This is what the inside of the the brake media on the rear(trailing) shoe looks like. Pretty obvious that's where it's hanging up right? That begs the question... what would cause it to hang up on the inside of the shoe?
  9. Wow, she cleans up well. I always loved that color.
  10. Yup, sure is. KA24DE has roots in Datsun. It's a direct descendant from the L series motors. Good aftermarket, fairly cheap to buy, and reliable.
  11. _DSC0063 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0067 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0059 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr The last one I think the contrast was too heavy on and over saturated..
  12. Thought I'd share this one with you guys. It's a 74(Ithink?) 260Z that one of the locals drives. L28ET, big brakes, the whole work up. Cleaner in person. I tried to get him on Ratsun, but I don't think he had time for it. _DSC0089 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0105 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr _DSC0009 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  13. I need to calibrate my monitor. Didn't even notice until you said that, but after the power went out last week or so, I never adjusted the colors on the monitor. On to more pictures.... _DSC0122 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  14. Yeah, they were rusted pretty bad on the bead of the two for the front, and I hadn't bothered grinding it smooth until last week. Just need to finish painting them. I think I'm gonna leave the fronts white instead of a white lip.
  15. Monkeygirls been a HUGE help getting this thing together again. _DSC0131 by metalmonkey47, on Flickr
  16. BTW, don't worry... I'll have the front rims on soon :thumbup:
  17. Found a gas tank already :) Just gotta go get it. Anyways.... need to get SU's, Cam, etc and I'll be happy. I'm working on bodywork still. Been going through a TON of work on the truck, too much to update so I'll just post pics...
  18. Need a hand bud? I may be able to get a crew together to help toss it together. Where are you exactly?
  19. Not a bad idea. My shoes were 50% when i replaced it, so maybe the drums not fully up to spec. I'll try that tomorrow and see if it helps.
  20. No, the driver side drum was brand new about 6 months ago, so I didn't feel like taking it to be turned :thumbup: Good logic is nothing without positive results :yawn: Anyways, here's a video I just recorded. You can see exactly what I'm dealing with. It's still processing, so it may be a minuet before you can watch it. http://youtu.be/cMITXtWR02Y
  21. Because.... uhhhhh. Why did you even let her out of the kitchen anyways?
  22. Google is currently on Ratsun...

    1. NKrader


      so is facebook.


      all the time..

    2. josh_t


      i'm on ratsun but you dont post statuses about that.

  23. metalmonkey47

    z problems

    ..how did you catch your air filter on fire? Are you sure you're getting fuel at the fuel rail? I'v found that when you have bad gas, it's usually followed by nasty sediment settling in the filter,
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