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metalmonkey47 last won the day on April 17 2022

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About metalmonkey47

  • Birthday 06/11/1991

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  • Location
    Atlanta, GA
  • Cars
    '19 Corvette Z06, '12 Xterra Pro-4X, another '12 Xterra Pro-4X, '13 Triumph Daytona
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  1. RATM all day today. Feel the funk!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. RedBanner


      the microphone explodes , shattering the molds, either rock your hits like delamode or get the fuck off the camode with the shure shot shure to make the bodies drop, drop and no copy yo, and call it a co_op

      Terror righns drenchen, quenchin the thirst of,the power dons that 5 sided fistagon, the rautin sores on the face of the earth getting bigger, cold trigger gimme the purse....

    3. RedBanner


      Ive ben walkin god like a dog my method is fearless, i return home from war like baldwin home from paris, steel from the funace, i was born relentless, born of the native sun, son of zappapas guns, strole thru the city and the shanties remain, same bodies barried hungry but with different last names. Pick a point on the globe the pictures the same....

    4. bananahamuck


      Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it

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