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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. The HK makes good weapons. The MP5 is a bit dated. The MP7 is a weird caliber though, especially if Oz is under the ridiculous caliber restrictions from the UN/NATO. 9mm and 5.56mm... The Aug is fine, Id prefer to see the better compact setup of the bullpup because it keeps the range by allowing you to not simply chop your barrel. This is roughly the same overall length as the Aug but.. I'm down 4.5" of barrel... on the up side, it's a pistol, so I can carry it concealed and loaded. The Browning Hi-Power is some old school shit though. They've seen plenty of action, but they might wanna upgrade. Realistically, that's not a horrible one. I've eaten a few animals that have to rank worse. The old "is it better than eating rope" is a fun home game to play with your friends. I suppose that only counts if you've literally eaten out of a trash can.
  2. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/05/28/530483841/mississippi-shooting-spree-kills-8-including-sheriffs-deputy It would appear that this was a domestic violence case where the shooter killed members of his own family and then a deputy that responded. Godbolt, sitting on the street with his hands cuffed behind his back, said he had been involved in a discussion with his wife and her family about their children. "I was having a conversation with her stepdaddy and her mama and her, my wife, about me taking my children home," he said. He said that he was sorry that the sheriff's deputy died, blaming the people who called law enforcement. "My pain wasn't designed for him," he said. "He was just there." Godbolt added that he wanted to die. "My intentions was to have God kill me. I ran out of bullets," he said. "Suicide by cop was my intention. I ain't fit to live, not after what I've done." -as quoted from the article
  3. I don't think I've seen a .303 in ten tears. Which is too bad because that's a clever sporting caliber. You used to see .30-06 Springfield all over when I was a kid, a lot of it was still government surplus from the Second World War, although I don't know how keen I'd be on firing it now. I'd imagine there's a current surplus of F88 Austyr and 5.56 if there's any translation of military grade weapons to the civilian market. You'll have to forgive me on this but I don't recall what handgun the AUS forces carried. I only remember seeing the F88, and an occasional M4 that we'd joke about them having picked up from an American that had retreated. I've never thought about shooting a kangaroo. I'd do it though, but I bet that meat is like chewing rope. The feral pigs would be fun, I've hunted them before, you just need a clean kill or the meat can be weird. The dingo and cat thing was a joke, but apparently you can legally hunt both. I'd honestly have to be pretty fucking hungry to eat a dingo.... I've eaten other canids and... yuck. Next there will be a property tax, monthly, on ownership. You'll have to put a GPS unit on it so they can track it at all times... And they wonder why conservative libertarianism is the new counter culture... Not everyone lives in a state that you get a free hi-point with any gasoline purchase of at least 8 gallons.
  4. Honestly, I'm surprised how many 'Mericans have no fucking clue about the rest of the world. They clearly don't realize of the 7ish billion people on the planet, we're all in the top 1%.... To be fair though I've heard some stupid shit come out of people's mouths in ever country I've been in. It's also fun to see someone from Oz, UK, EU walk into a "one stop shopping" mega store here. To see them see people buying flowers, steaks, firearms, toasters, and hard liquor at the same time is amusing. I don't really follow Australian politics, mostly because I don't interact with Aussies on a professional level often. Working private security there is.... difficult. I keep up on the places I have friends or frequent. I've been watching Briexit because I always thought the EU was just another way for Germany to conquer Europe. I would like to go to Australia to hunt feral cats, dingos, and those water buffalo, but that won't be this year. I'd do it with a bow to avoid the out of country gun thing, which I'm told is a bitch, although I've never looked into it myself, so maybe the other hunters are just drama queens. I think BBQing fresh buffalo steaks in the outback would be much more fun than going to NYC again.
  5. I just saw this build and I like it Daryl. You've got achievable goals and you're working through them systematically. That EFI A12 is an interesting concept, it looks like something Redeye would put together on his 411. I'd be curious to see how this project evolves.
  6. Datsunfreak, watch the first 50 seconds of this video. I need your mastery of the English language because I'm VERY fucking sure that the respective candidates don't have the "biological information" listed on their fucking websites. This jackass is honestly one of THE WORST moderators I've ever heard.... Bio is short for biograghical information in this context you burger.
  7. Wow... You know with some basic hand tool... wait... looking at this kid... he probably is the guy that takes his spare tire out for "weight reduction" in his daily driver.
  8. Look, my question has been raised in specificity by no less than a dozen people over the literal months this thread has been open. We're not demanding special treatment, just requesting simple clarification on pricing. If this cannot be provided and they continue to blatantly ignore and dodge the question, I won't go.
  9. Huh, I didn't realize the Conor McGregor v. Floyd Mayweather fight was already over.
  10. Oy, it doesn't say if a camping pass gets you into the show or not. Could you clarify that point? Do you get a camping pass that lets you into the show, or is a camping pass only for staking your tent/RV?
  11. Making ratsun Americans pick fights with each other since 2014.
  12. Actually there's two pieces to this. Urban dictionary covers most of it: So that AND internationally I hear this particular term used to describe Americans. I've heard it used by Brits, Scotts, French, Australian, German, Israeli, and even Canadian forces as a derogatory term. It's not especially common in 'Merica, but I'm assuming VTR has heard it. It's a sound descriptor for this particular woman. I'd consider her to be most of the Urban Dictionary synonyms.
  13. They do realize that you could just toss it in your car and drive there from... I dunno... any other state... with an AR/AK and have all the bells and whistles to do whatever. Or you could buy guns on the street, which is very easy. I have friends in the Oakland, LA, SF, and a handful of other police departments in CA that have verified this. I'm just parroting something I literally heard a female burger (it's cool, I asked her about the gender pronoun) say to an Australian that was here visiting a couple weeks ago. I busted into hyena laughter when she said that... but she was dead serious. I thought the joke would play well here since you can quote our constitution and we can't correctly identify you on a map... I guess I'd be labeled as a terrorist in Oz.... no ruby slippers for me there. They'll probably deny my tourist visa now. I'm glad someone got my literary humor. I literally looked this up before making the post to be 100% sure I was using it wrong. The mispelling of English was similarly for comedic affect, as was the vicious accusation that Australians don't speak it. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition. When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom.
  14. Thy lord and master, His Holiness The Donald, would NEVER have a sexual advance denied. Not from man, woman, beast, nor pope.
  15. First off, you speak very good engrish for not being from America. You have got to be shitting me... they cuckholded Australia??? That's it VTR... I don't wanna live in this world.
  16. First... what's the H short for? Second... are you a multiple threat terrorist if you have two guns? Seems pretty fucking irrational to think that someone whom legally owns a firearm is a terrorist threat. Here, in burger, guns stop a lot of crimes. Would that be considered "terrorist on terrorist" crime in Oz? I've been to a lot of attempted rapes, robberies, burglaries, and even a few attempted murders that had their nefarious plots sullied by a well armed citizen.
  17. No safe spaces in Australia eh? You're making me want to move there.... except you enforce you immigration laws... So, I'll just go back to posting cars.
  18. I stand corrected. I apologize for all the feelings I've hurt for my sci-fi ignorance.
  19. I honestly don't know. I figured I had a 50/50. Cultural things like science fiction aren't my strong suit.
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