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Everything posted by Soundline

  1. Umm... no. Those Orange rings will kill people without medical attention. This entire area will be uninhabitable for the next 5,000 years (according to the work being done at the bikini atolls. The fallout and radiation poisoning over the course of nine months would kill the vast majority of the people in these areas. Watch "Command and Control" on Netflix. You'll learn a few things about nuclear war. If you factor in the poisoning that would cause in the Atlantic Ocean, how that illness will spread to subsequent generations of people, the amount of cancer, the shutting down of nearly 1/3 of the US's Eastern Seaboard, the starvation and famine that occurs next, that it will trigger nuclear explosions of the Minuteman and any Trident Warheads or nuclear bombs from surrounding bases on the ground in the blast zone, combined with the chain reaction caused by it of us responding with nuclear force against whatever country we decide to target for our response... I think 50 million is a conservative estimate. If D.C. Is nuked you know our sub commanders have orders to launch on their own.... same with missile sites all over the world.
  2. Aaaaaand now you know. Saturated fats are necessary in the human body. Every cell in your body has a cell wall that's composed of it. But... this is what they pushed as a narrative... for $50,000. http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat So we introduced trans fat because it was "healthier" http://www.cnn.com/2015/06/16/health/fda-trans-fat/ Except when your cell walls are made of trans fats the wall doesn't allow things those cells need to move across the cell wall appropriately. That's why they made them illegal to feed to humans... except they gave them 3 years to take it out of our food...
  3. Chevrolet has decided to field an F1 car
  4. A little new Z and Star Trek love in the same post.
  5. Yet another reason not to live in the Caliphate. Yes..... that's literally where Cali got its name.... "The name California is surmised by some writers to have derived from a fictional paradise peopled by Black Amazons and ruled by Queen Calafia,[20][21] who fought alongside Muslims and whose name was chosen to echo the title of a Muslim leader, the Caliph, fictionally implying that California was the Caliphate.[22] The story of Calafia is recorded in a 1510 work The Adventures of Esplandián, written as a sequel to Amadis de Gaula by Spanish adventure writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo.[23][24][25] The kingdom of Queen Calafia, according to Montalvo, was said to be a remote land inhabited by griffins and other strange beasts, and rich in gold." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California So... get your free fucking hijab with your health care.
  6. That's how Mopar likes to keep their owners... head down... ass up... Speaking from personal experience....
  7. Someone can start a "cuz terrorism" thread. This is strictly for discussing American Firearms Literature.
  8. I just find the photos mate, I don't validate anything. I'm an American now, so fact checking isn't a thing we value.
  9. Fog lights bought in bulk.
  10. Timo Mäkinen/Mini Cooper S/RAC Rally/1967
  11. It's ok VTR... it's just Ratsun. Someone has to tell our First Lady how to dress.
  12. Eh, the Republicans do the same shit. Or they just keep the money.... like Duncan Hunter. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/republican-congressman-duncan-hunter-investigation-potential-campaign-finance/story?id=46332197 Or you could read the McCutcheon v. FEC, note the RNC joined the suit on behalf of McCutcheon to allow ppl to funnel more money into politics.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCutcheon_v._FEC No one in that dick measuring circus has clean hands, or more than 4".
  13. What they don't mention is that he is pulling a trailer.... to hold his MASSIVE balls.
  14. Nothing to see here... the DNC was "victimized" by China in the 1996 Fundraising Scandal. The had "no idea" that the money for Pres. Clinton's campaign efforts was being funneled in. Despite being "the two stupidest politicians" that the sentencing judge had ever heard of, the poor DNC had nothing to do with Chung.... It's not like this hasn't happened since....
  15. Don't get me started on skylines, I'll be here all night.
  16. Eh, this is pretty common We probably were over the line, so they kicked us out. Those Chinese fighters are basically out F/22 & F/35... thanks to a previous president they got the full designs...
  17. He gets sentenced on 8 September and his plea deal includes a recommended 21-27 month sentence. Potentially facing 10 years in federal prison. https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/05/19/nyregion/anthony-weiner-guilty-plea-sexting.html
  18. Parts of Dallas are fucking rough. The last time I was there I was pretty sure shit was gonna go sideways. I like Texas though, for the most part. I lived in SA for a year stationed at Kelly Airfield. I also spent four months in Witchita Falls, which, was much better. I love that small towns in Texas close for high school football games. As far as CA goes, I won't even work in CA.... I have a sister there, and I won't even visit. After my last trip to Berkeley... that whole state is written off... sorry bro. Your state mates are too much.
  19. I stand corrected. She did file today. I was operating under old intel.
  20. There's pending cases against him for additional charges. More victims in the wing. No. If the 15 year old had sent him pics she would be jailed for producing child pornographic images. And the lady in the top link got 9 months in prison for EXACTLY the same behavior as Sen. Weiner http://www.al.com/news/index.ssf/2016/06/mother_sentenced_to_jail_for_s.html http://www.mtv.com/news/2260437/nude-selfies-teen-adult-charges-prison/ She knew Weiner. This behavior is common because of the page program at congress. Feel free to look that shit up and make yourself sick over it. It's cool though, Huma Abadan is staying with Weiner.... like Hillary did Bill.
  21. Are there any in America? I've been to three, all of which are gone. I wonder if there was a decline in teen pregnancy when they closed?
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