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Everything posted by yenpit

  1. Exactly.........taught/conditioned to hate Russia, hate Putin. I do not trust anything regarding Putin, but the fact is, he & Trump got along just fine, they had a mutual level of respect, that avoided conflict!! I hear what people say (datzenmike has made his feelings clear! 😝), but I do not have a solid opinion of Putin, good or bad. Welp, now I'll be labelled as a Commie!!!!!!!! 😆😵
  2. I suppose this "redirecting" of money, is kinda like getting an insurance pay out & spending it on other things...........not to repair what the claim was for. As a kid, I got hit a number of times in my MG's & got insurance settlement from the other drivers insurance. What did I do with the $$? Of course, I spent it on other things & repaired the MG myself!! But I was a dumb kid. My ADULT addict sister was involved in a car accident a couple years ago, sued, pocketed $75k. She did not have any outstanding medical bills, she was a passenger in the car..............she proceeded to squander all of that $75k on drugs alcohol & crap she did not need. I was so proud of her!! 😡😤 I honestly do not know what I would do today, if I got an insurance settlement for something.................I'm sure I would spend SOME of it on other things...............🙄
  3. My understanding is that if funds are NOT used for the approved reason (in this case Covid relief), it is supposed to be re-appropriated BY GOV'T APPROVAL, not just squandered on something else, like this was!! Yes, this money should have been re-appropriated LEGALLY, to something else, like our homeless issue!!
  4. So @datzenmike, you continue to ask HOW we conservatives believe it is a two tiered judicial system, here in the States. RIGHT HERE, my friend!! This is how that unconstitutional two tiered system is working for us!! This "administration" is as corrupt as it gets!!!!!! 😡😤💩
  5. Here's another article......................OH CRAP, IT'S RIGHT WING NEWS MEDIA AGAIN!!!! 🤣😝 https://pjmedia.com/victoria-taft/2024/02/07/the-supreme-court-tees-up-n4926204?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  6. It might be believable, but it is WRONG for that money to have gone anywhere else, without proper Federal approval....................especially directly to illegal immigrants!!!!!!! What about our homeless????????? 😡😤
  7. Since 4 Republicans voted AGAINST impeaching DHS Mayorkas 💩, I hope Texas Abbott buses illegals to THEIR states!!! THAT outta teach them a FRACTION of which Texas & Arizona are suffering!!!!!! 😡😤
  8. If this doesn't turn peoples stomachs, what will.......................... https://www.westernjournal.com/new-report-shows-340-million-federal-covid-relief-turned-cash-transfers-subsidizing-illegal-immigration/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  9. This is the kind of BS crap, that the left wing main stream media is continually getting away with!! Journalism at its worst...................... https://pjmedia.com/vodkapundit/2024/02/05/january-jobs-data-actually-sucked-n4926132?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email
  10. This is pretty much proof of how bad & scary it will be. This is all AI. I can't tell the difference. Of course, you get the point of just how ridiculous it would be, for these two to be together like this...............the link is clean, just takes you to the FB page, where I found it. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10228957021642574&set=a.1085191282307&__cft__[0]=AZWf2glOIT3KncoSJhdaB11ACe7nez65xgga5hojTvdmCr0MbLqjhzwiTZ5fMNxdB-8MoBtpeqVpLHOFFppEwFDzQ7d2MzOMrSAIbcQdh3iKyB3FZiHjaoAm3sun7e8ogaQEldro4GiIlKR14s1BH55gXMIRenn_9RmFZ_aCzgsV3DCWWhZ9K-ZT7neEYLyKISM&__tn__=EH-y-R
  11. Covid & the jab are affecting people differently. Some died from Covid, some hardly felt anything. Some died from the jab, some have had no issues. Both I & my gf are NOT jab'd, both of us got sick, both of us felt horrible (me more), but here we are. I'm a firm believer, that our natural immunity kicked in & did exactly what it was supposed to do. This jab was simply an experiment, in my opinion. The Wuhan leak was premature & accidental, but Fauci's goal was to create a bio weapon in the end, period. That scumbag swept everything under the rug & continued with his work, just had to do what he did, sooner than he expected. The left followed his path. Those that questioned his path, were labelled as vax deniers, labelled as selfish, told we would kill somebody, cancelled, censored.............everything they could do, to slow the discovery of the truth. Fuck all of those idiots (if that includes people here, sorry, too bad, I don't care). Despicable 😡💩😤😡
  12. Oh hell no!! They will not link it to Covid or the jab.......................it will remain simply as stomach cancer. Remember, these theories have all been labelled as a conspiracy theory. Perhaps you understand (perhaps not), my point is that they are not reporting ANY jab injuries, as far as I know. Nothing "official". Nothing out in the public. I personally know of multiple "injuries", that occurred right after getting the jab. Coincidence? Sure, maybe! These people, however, will NOT admit the possibility of a jab injury. These reports of jab injuries DO show up, if you know where to look ie America's Frontline Doctor's, SkyWatch etc. One is a local older woman friend, followed all of the jab routines, including boosters & almost immediately, had new heart issues, roughly labelled as myocarditis, but will not even consider the possibility of a jab injury. Never had any indication of heart issues. Other is an old school buddy, same jab routine, 25 yr old daughter is in a wheelchair. The doctors have no clue, can not link it to MS or ALS etc. Never had any other indications. There have been quite a few documented (but buried) cases of losing body functions ie standing/walking, uncontrollable bodily twitching, but again, you will NOT see or hear anything about it, anywhere that I am aware of, except thru an organization like America's Frontline Doctor's or SkyWatch etc.
  13. Toby Keith Dies Country music star Toby Keith has died at the age of 62 after a two-year battle with stomach cancer. The artist—who also wrote most of his songs—sold over 40 million records and had 20 No. 1 singles and nine No. 1 albums throughout his 30-year career. Born Toby Keith Covel in Oklahoma in 1961, he worked in the oil fields and as a semi-professional football player before rising to fame in the 1990s with songs such as "Should've Been a Cowboy"—the most-played country track of the decade—and "How Do You Like Me Now." The singer was also known for his patriotic songs like "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue," inspired by his father's death (an Army veteran) and the Sept. 11 attacks. Through his music success and business ventures—including part ownership of the label that signed Taylor Swift—Keith regularly appeared on the Forbes list of highest-paid country entertainers. He was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2015 and the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2021. Former President Donald Trump awarded him a National Medal of the Arts in 2021. See tributes here.
  14. Toby Keith, country star, died of stomach cancer. The theory is that the jab likely exasperated his cancer, as it has in other cases.................but we will likely NEVER know, as vax injuries are simply not being studied, at least not publicly. I know your view on this & I accept that that is what you believe.
  15. ........and everybody is entitled to their own opinion!! 😉
  16. I'm happy to join!! I'm sure there are some here, that have already labelled me as such!! 🤣😝😵 Anybody that thinks I am "out there", should see my FB posts, over the last 8 mo's..............I get that all the time, from liberal friends 😂
  17. I just heard about this last night. We will NEVER know, if the stomach cancer that killed him, was exasperated by the jab. These cases are NOT reported, or at least not to the public. Conspiracy theory on my part? Sure, what the hell!! The jab HAS & WILL CONTINUE to kill people..................😡
  18. I do not think that it is that cut n dry. I agree that Brandon is a leftist puppet, likely being "guided" by Obama & his scum. But I think Brandon tries to be the tough guy & does some things on his own accord, perhaps even going against what the puppet masters try to get him to do. Bottom line, this term has been a leftist train wreck & Brandon is neck deep in it!!!!!!!! 🤬💩🖕
  19. I just re-read your post...............THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS!! 😎 I do agree that the GOP has it's own internal issues, but it is people like McConnell, Swalwell, Cheney etc etc who are all RINO's.................they claim to be Republican's, but they side with the democrats in so many ways. They are all in it to make money OR they are too stupid (ie Swalwell) to see their own mistakes along the way. My take on Trump vs Fauci, is that Trump TRUSTED Fauci. THAT blew up in his face. Trump was WRONG to trust Fauci, cuz Fauci is probably the worst leftist scum in my opinion. I do not "hate" Brandon, Harris, Wray, Mayorkas etc etc etc, but I do have a deep seething hatred for Fauci, as he was the leader of the Gain of Function crap, that started Covid & then he used Covid as a weapon to "climb the ladder" AND make billions of dollars, all the while killing people. I will NEVER side with the left liberals. I think Trump is the guy to get started fixing this mess, cuz he has the balls to do it. I do not think any of the other GOP nominees could handle it.................
  20. I have not read anybody else's response to this. My take, is that the GOP knows that hardly any of these accusations will ever get past the Senate, the DOJ, the FBI etc, as they are all run by the left, monetarily supported by scum like Soros etc. Most of the liberal DA's are paid by people like Soros. The GOP has been quite successful at researching & reporting, however they are constantly cock blocked. The GOP can "put it all out there", so we can see it, but the liberals do not watch or pay any attention to any of it, so they are completely uninformed.........or they support it regardless. Once the hearings are to a certain point or closed, it is the responsibility of Congress to proceed, but most of that stuff will never get past the left run Senate. Then, if it does, the DOJ will not likely press charges or go after them, as the DOJ is run by the left & is protecting all of their scum swamp rats, like Hunter. I am surprised that the DOJ is actually pursuing Hunter thus far, but I bet it all gets buried & Hunter walks. I wish people would see & understand, that the USA judicial system is a train wreck these days..............it is a two tiered system, protecting the left scum & targeting conservatives. I'm SURE somebody will disagree with me here & I will have to go back to the beginning, to try to explain it AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! 😡😆💩
  21. OK, WHO actually got ripped off? Who gives a rats ass, if Trump over valuated his properties. It has already been explained & proven, that the banks did their own homework, accepted Trumps numbers/terms, gave the loans & Trump paid them off, fair & square. I'm sure the insurance companies also did their due diligence.........but I have not heard or read anything about that. Where are you getting "I hear he posted his $5. something million in cash because no one would post his bond. They are almost certain to get stiffed for it when the appeal fails. Same with the $80 million just more so. He would have to put up something worth that amount. If he even has it. I also hear hes soliciting money at his rallies? or using campaign donations to pay his legal fees? something. Can you imagine MAGA idiots bailing him out and then in the end he's barred from running? or in jail?" Sounds like left propaganda to me, as I have not heard ANY of this. It surprises me that you eat it up like candy. Who the hell cares if Trump put up his own bond...................maybe he MADE some money somehow doing that..........he certainly SAVED some money! Maybe he didn't want to pay the bonding fees, cuz he HAD the cash! Even if I had heard this, I do NOT have TDS, so I don't jump to conclusions like this. Can't we all just LOVE everybody else?? (that's what my liberal brother always says 🤣) Geez o' flip!! 🙄
  22. John is on point, by saying that the BAISED judge Engoron 💩, made his decision month's ago, cuz he has a really bad case of TDS, proven verbally by what he has said in the past (documented) & by many of his actions (documented), throughout this trial. Mike, this is what some of us believe............we have a two tiered justice system these days, here in the USA, which benefits the left, NOT the right. The LEFT does what they want to do & they get away with it. We firmly believe that the DOJ & FBI have been completely weaponized, by the far left, much funded by scum like Soros & a number of other multi billionaire rich elite. They are who we refer to as The New World Order, which DOES exist & is dangerously close to taking over the world. We feel that Trump will NOT get a fair trial in NY GA & FL, as all of these "indictments" are charges "thrown at the wall to see if they will stick", in any effort to keep Trump out of the White House. People keep asking "Then why doesn't somebody DO something about it!!??" Well, since the LEFT is in the WH, the LEFT are in the Senate & the LEFT have the minority in the House, the LEFT has control............that is why Hunter is still walking the streets.............he should be in jail, by all accounts, according to the law.
  23. That video a few posts back, busting on Trump! It is funny how so many of the moderate lefties say what we conservatives say, but 180deg opposite. So much of what HE said, is the opposite of what we see, hear & say. I've told this story before, but had a GOOD conversation with a coworker last year. He is a liberal. He asked to chat, of course I agreed. Good conversation, about 15min in (20min convo), he chuckled & said "Damn TJ, we just don't watch the same news, do we!!??". I agreed 100%. I do see it, but my issue is where most liberals get their news from...............CNN, MSNBC, just about any syndicated news etc. To me, it is all twisted lies, guided by the left. I do TRY to understand, but I typically just shake my head in disbelief.............likely how liberals react to what I say!! 😏😂
  24. I agree 100%, but I THINK bottomwatcher posted it, implying that Trump blames everything on the left & points his finger all the time. If I misunderstood, I apologize!
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