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Status Updates posted by cl72wagon

  1. Its been way to long since i have signed in......

    1. MicroMachinery


      Me too. I never sign out.

  2. Got finished moving....and i now have internet at home for the first time in 2 years.....

  3. Any MACHINIST'S looking for work? The shop I work for in Mukilteo Wa, is hiring

    1. cl72wagon


      Weekend shift and big machine guys.

  4. leaving with the family for canby very soon!!!

  5. Can't wait for this weekend......only way it could be better is if i was bringing my datsun.....there is always next year

  6. Came into work today to find a present night left me.....1.343 diam drill stuck in the part.....good times

    1. cl72wagon


      Pics are in the lets see some machine work thread

  7. Feels good to be driving my car again........Ran pretty damn good this morning. And she rides alot better too.....

  8. Well i have all the parts now......The wagon will be more lower this weekend

    1. Stupid_fast


      Flip the leaf! make it maor stiffer! then add blocks for slammage...

    2. hacked521
    3. hellamikey


      Don't mean to be an ass, but it looks like you spelled 'moar' wrong. lulz

  9. Loving Tucsons winter, compared to washintons rain right now

    1. hacked521


      i cant stand winter in tucson, much rather take the 108-110 degree summer.

  10. I am in Tucson. if anyone in the area wants to meet up shoot me a pm

  11. Well shit......its going to be a long week or more.......My machine is broken at work.

  12. Well after what seems like forever i got to drive the wagon yesterday.....

  13. Sitting here running my machine at work this morning......one of guys comes up and says your truck has a flat tire......Thats not what i want to hear.....

  14. Diamond knot for lunch today......Good food and good beer

    1. ]2eDeYe


      mmmmmm Diamond Knot mmmmmm


  15. well so much for driving the car....trans is back out. Apparently its destined to spend its life on jack stands

    1. H5WAGON


      Sounds like my white car..


  16. should be driving the wagon this weekend.....its been a long time

  17. well the move went ok....now i have to un-bury the datsun, i know its in the garage somewhere.....

  18. Well the garage is almost moved to the new house.....i can not believe i fit all that crap in a one car garage.....

  19. Have to start moving soon.....What a pain in the ass....i have to much crap

    1. Shagy


      I moved from San Diego to Long Beach in my 70 wagon....that aint gonna happen again!!!!

  20. Packing the ice chest.....will be leaving marysville at 8am......

  21. Packing the ice chest.....will be leaving marysville at 8am......

  22. motor is back in the wagon.....now comes the fun part. Trying to remember what goes where. I had pics but the camera they were on got stolen.

  23. The machine i run will be out of work after night shift tonight......Do i go to work tomorrow and sit around doing nothing or stay home and put the motor in the wagon......

    1. MikeRL411


      You wont get paid to put the motor in your wagon. Seems an easy choice to me.

  24. trying to decide what color to paint my motor......any ideas?

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