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    77 B210
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    my car

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  1. I didn't know Ed real well but he let me braid his beard at canby, that was fun. Rip Ed
  2. Thanks man. I've been needing some Datsun family time. It's always a good time even if it's just a few of us.
  3. Datsun fun time! 3/19/2017 12:30pm Meeting up at Sonics in Vancouver,Wa Address is: Sonic 850 SE 192nd Ave Vancouver, Washington 98683 Because Datsun.
  4. I love camping! From the ocean to the desert and everything in between. I will only tent camp. I feel that is true camping, although tr8er with the rainfly and hammock, that's pretty badass. I will be going back to Detroit lake in Oregon this summer for a week with about 10 or so family members. Good times good times.
  5. Jamee

    my baby B

    Lol yeah ill do that tomorrow. Right now is read posts then sleep time. :)
  6. Jamee

    my baby B

    Probably shouldn't. I've been deemed an insubordinate at work.
  7. Jamee

    my baby B

    Thanks yo. :)
  8. Jamee

    my baby B

    Thanks. I'm doing my best.
  9. Jamee

    my baby B

    Hey look my old thread! http://community.ratsun.net/topic/55791-a-horse-with-no-name/?hl=jamee&do=findComment&comment=929975
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