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Cardinal Grammeter

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About Cardinal Grammeter

  • Birthday 09/23/1952

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  • Gender
  • Location
    East of Pittsburgh PA
  • Cars
    1974 620 Daily Driver: previously 1972 510, 1974 B210

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  1. Top heavy demographics is Game Over. The only way to mitigate that problem is with a high birth rate (those days are over) and immigration. While immigration is the only way to deal with demographics, it is political suicide. Immigration has to be regulated: *) Multiculturalism is NOT acceptable - existing racial and religious percentages must not change *) Immigrants can bring their heritage but they must assimilate into our culture - they're coming here to join our club, not conquer us. *) English must be spoken *) Skilled, educated and professionals should go to head of the line *) No Dumping (like in OH) Of course, eventually, robotics and AI should eliminate the majority of jobs which will completely destroy demographics. That is a whole other set of problems...
  2. This may be the first election of Young vs Old. Young of the past didn't vote and didn't care less: we were too busy doing stuff. We didn't vote until around 30. Social media is now part of young online life. It is not real. Politics is also not real and lives online where children and the young live. Children and Young are foolish and gullible. They will vote for the cool candidate. Idiocracy will be reclassified as a documentary. I'm 72 and would like to live another 10 years to watch this shit show unfold... but I don't think my health will hold out that long. I'm fat as fuck to start with (!) LOL
  3. so it's good on the phone? Try stuff on PC that changes size.
  4. Are you on PC or phone? Win10 has a bunch of Accessibility stuff that makes things bigger. Even Display Settings possibly. (never heard of this one)
  5. Mike recommended imgur.com years ago. I've been using it lightly all for free so far. Check out my post of difference between door mirrors: https://imgur.com/gallery/datsun-door-mirror-comparison-tCbvR
  6. Every day, people are born that would love running the ovens in Germany a while back. Sometimes we give them badges.
  7. My Doomsday scenario is happening: Harris Road to the White House: There's still a chance Harris will become president before the election - depends if Biden can live that long - If he declines into bonkers senility, he will remain president - even if in a coma. I'm impressed, my most likely theory was that Biden would get re-elected and then step down shortly thereafter handing it over to Harris - but things now are far more crazy. While our country is in a weakened state, our foreign enemies will not take advantage because if they do, it would help Trump get elected due to foreign policy. (The fact that they don't want Trump is an indication.) So once Harris gets elected, our foreign policy will be ineffective even if Harris handlers tell her exactly what to say. Can you imagine her going toe to toe in a room with Putin and whoever rules China? Of course if the young take over the USA, Russia and China, it'll be kumbaya.
  8. Curves like this that are not per capita are meaningless. And if they choose to plot raw numbers, the vertical axis should be logarithmic.
  9. Curves like this that are not per capita are meaningless. And if they choose to plot raw numbers, the vertical axis should be logarithmic.
  10. I saw a RAF Nimrod at a FL airshow decades ago. Doesn't appear to be one posted in this thread. I wonder if pilots and crew get teased? Did you ever notice how hard it is to get a close pic of the top side of a plane at an airshow? If they're near the crowd they're never turning into the crowd. So that leaves during a roll which is usually not the best situation for a good pic.
  11. I'm pretty sure these were outfitted with nitrous oxide - at least some special variant. I seem to recall reading something in maybe their flight manual.
  12. Considering how ignorant and foolish people are, the clock is ticking on our time as a great nation There is a chance that in a generation, The Internet will be viewed as Loser - like Stoners - and will disappear like the Nehru jacket.
  13. Scaredy cats crying for more police. Problem is not enough guns in the hands of the general public and not enough bravery to use them. Those kinds of crimes are worse than murder because they represent people running wild - which some would argue like rapid animals should be put down.
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