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Everything posted by goes2fast

  1. What about that nice Ford engine that was in the B210?
  2. So what are you going to drive next winter? :confused:
  3. The last one I drove was a tandem dump, a 1959 F750.
  4. That's funny, all the ones I drove were F750s, or F800s?
  5. I thought all Ford trucks from that era were F series, what is a T?
  6. I'm neither a Ford guy, or a Chevy guy, I own both. I don't like bad designs, which all 3 have plenty of right now. Ford seems to beahead right now, even my oldest friend who is a died in the wool Chevy guy, says he thinks Chevy's stuff that is out right now sucks compaired to the new Fords he has driven. As a former Chevy lover, I am very sad! :(
  7. What I read was that Isuzu helped design the heads and fuel system, so they could be suplying parts, but I bet the block says GM on it. I'm not a fan of Chevy any more, the only thing they build that I would concider buying any more would be the vette. As for Cummins, they are starting to buld V6 and V8 diesels now too. I think it's fitment reasons, they need shorter engines to fit all that crap in the new trucks. Out of the old big 3 Ford is the only one showing any signs of trying to put qny quality in their product. That is why my new daily driver is a 2015 VW Golf diesel, 45 mpg city when I control my self, but all that torque is so tempting! :rofl:
  8. Get your facts straight, Isuzu helped engineer the Duramax, but it is built by GM!
  9. That will be me in about a year! :rofl:
  10. Bob, Every time you touch this car, it gets more BAD ASS! :thumbup:
  11. Not! The GTR guy couldn't drive let the truck have a hole shot, and he was late leaving! The truck should weigh about 500 or more lbs. more that the GTR, but the diesel has about 400 lb ft more torque.
  12. The only thing that would make that car more bad ass would be a turbo!
  13. Too bad they don't make them for 1200s!
  14. Just wait till your house feels like it's in a paint shaker, then when that stops, it feeels like you are on a small boat rocking from ocean waves. That is what the last one we were in felt like. We were in the shower at 5am getting ready to leave on a trip, lost the power, so had to finish in the dark. Then about 2 hours later we are on the plane waiting to taxi out and a big after shock hit, felt like something hit our plane, shook pretty good!
  15. If she is terrified of hurricanes, just wait till she experiences her first good earth quake! :rofl:
  16. I wasn't nessesarily tring to talk him into coming here, just wanted him to realize how bad CA is.
  17. You'll find out, hope you speak spanish, you'll need it in that area. I only moved there because there were no jobs in CO at that time. I thought I would only be there for 1 to 2 years, then move back to CO, ended up taking 7 years. The biggest percentage of people moving to CO come from CA, there is a reason for that. I'm not in favor of making it more crowded here, but I hate to Datto lovers going some where they may end up regretting. Now the unemployment rate is the lowest in the country here in CO, another thing to think about.
  18. Ferguson is nothing compaired to the LA riots I was there for. they distroyed the liquor store the was on the other side of the alley from where I was living, not to mention what they did to that poor truck driver! The beaches are dirty, water is so poluted that you shouldn't be in the ocean most of the time. Compared to where I vacation, the beaches in CA are disgusting! If you want, give me your email, and I'll send pics of a good beach, so you can compare. If you have $800,000 to buy an average house in the LA area, more power to you, but you couldn't pay me enough to move back to that hell hole!
  19. I lived in the LA area for 7 years, couldn't wait to leave. The traffic, crime, and high cost of living are not worth it! I make the same money where I am now,it's like a 50% pay raise compaired to CA. Lots of racing here too, just ask Bob, the manager of Pike's Peak Raceway, and owner of the MX520.
  20. What makes you think that is aluminum? Stock is steel, and most aftermarket are either fiberglass, or stainless steel.
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