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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. there was one that looks a lot like that that one in Eugene too the guy had a 521 the same color
  2. wish we could have made it. Kelly had to work late though.
  3. I agree. Me and Kelly were talking about this the other day actually. I think cops should just disguise themselves better. As soon as someone see's a cop their driving changes. If you just never knew which cars were cops you'd be a lot less likely to risk it.
  4. It's wrong to assume that all Canadians have these beliefs just because Mike does :P I think he more or less means the fear of getting pulled over and ticketed. Not so much the cop themselves
  5. The reason (here at least) that you dont get a ticket for the first 5 miles over the limit is because not everyone speedometer is perfect so they allow for the chance that you think it's right
  6. I was just offered a free paint job on the wagon. I don't know how good of a job, like under the carpets and dash or not, but I kind of don't want to....I like it the way it is...at least until I can paint it myself

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Jassifrass


      yea I still have some body work to do to it too...He wont do that much

    3. INDY510


      just rattle can the door jams purple


      hard to turn down "free"


      but you might not have a car for a few months

    4. Jassifrass


      Looks like the 610 might get it....

  7. I hate electrical problems....why is it that my turn signals work but no brake lights? they run off the same bulb....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      :-/ ,,, sucks !!!


      is your fuseblock bad on that circuit ?


      Is your ground(s) clean to the rear bulbs ?


      teast voltage resistance from leading wires to rear hatch/lights area ?


      run a jumper wire to verify ?


      electrical sucks !!!!



    3. Jassifrass


      It's all better. It was just the switch thing. THANK YOU!!!!!!

    4. Eagle_Adam
  8. now I just need to figure out my lights issue. I already had this problem so I hope its easy...like I said I only checked the fuses, I'll look more in the morning
  9. car's home...I guess my tail lights are out now though. Not a fuse but that's all I really checked so far..I'll have to look more in the morning
  10. Adam is such a nice guy he gave him a ten for his troubles :D
  11. barely....the second we were done the tow truck pulled up...like no exaggeration...the very second we were done.
  12. The note was us asking them not to tow it. The apartment managers did't want people getting to close or kids hanging out with it so they put the tape up. Skib took the rest of the pictures...ch'mon Skibbert!!
  13. here's her truck anyhoo and I saw this one the next day up here by the Voodoo Donuts that's not downtown...it's closed for the next 5 months....
  14. That's a Eugene one I haven't seen before. I know where most of them were. Well the people that actually drove them, I'm sure theres a lot hiding. Why do they all come out after we moved? Which reminds me, there was a cute chick with a datsun when I was down in Eugene last weekend. We would have talked to her but she was on her phone. Gave her a card and a sticker so hopefully she'll join...I'll see if I can find the picture of the truck. Couldn't get one of her without being a creep-o...sorry guys
  15. I'll come get you when they are done if you want....I mean if you find a ride that's cool but yea...
  16. being pressed as we speak (or as I type whatever). Adams friend is doing it at his shop for free :D Then I can go get them and put it back together...
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