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Everything posted by Jassifrass

  1. yea i think we'd be a little more rotten but thats awesome. you guys did a great job
  2. speaking of zombies whos watching the premier of the walking dead tonight??? if you dont know it's a comic book that they made a TV show for. It's an amazing story, more about the survival than the zombies themselves. Its on AMC at 10 tonight so watch it!!!
  3. me and kelly are going to do the zombie thing next time we have something to do for halloween..the contacts are really cool. did you have someone else do the makeup or did you guys do it yourself?
  4. oics mean pictures....and if you dont post them you get the boot :P
  5. doea anyone have trailer i could borrow for a weekend to tow our Datsuns to Portland?

    1. MicroMachinery


      Like, an actual full-length trailer or a tow dolly?

    2. cosmo


      when do you need it?

    3. Jassifrass


      asap and either as long as the datsuns get up here...im trying real hard to stay in portland with kelly

  6. i don't mean to offend anyone with my following comment but I don't really like the Jesus fish and religious stickers on cars. I don't like people pushing their religion on me. I don't know that I find it offensive, but like say the Darwin fish that is like evolving. I'm sure that offends religious people too but is anyone required to remove their fish logos? There are stickers for political views. Some differing views can be offensive to some people (douche bags usually). People are entitled to put those things on their car. It's your property. Do what you want
  7. i kinda like that one :unsure: the headlights are kinda funky but not nearly as bad as that juke
  8. wow im fucking slow....i just noticed you posted that here.. thanks a bunch for finding that thats awesome
  9. i think it does (happen in 3's) my car had timing issues, then starting issues, now exhaust issues...all in a row one after the other
  10. it made it to my school once (over the evil hill) then it was acting up on the way home. I drove it for a day or two before it died on the hill too so i dont know
  11. I put new plugs in when I was dealing with the timing. they arent the best brand but they are new. I dont know about the rest. Tomorrow is the only day i really have for my car so i'll check
  12. except when i saw the intoke comment i really made those faces...the wide eyed "oh" and then squinting like "damnit" so there
  13. thats not real specific :P it wasnt very thick. i only let the car run for a second though it didnt sound to good...
  14. ok i've always been bad with terms and such but that sounds easy enough...though my car has all the emissions crap still
  15. honestly im terrible with words and i dont know what a pvc valve is. i probably would if i saw it but yea i dont know. i doubt it's been changed since i got the car. the smoke was white. it was coming out by the headers and out the back. :(
  16. new fuel pump didnt fix it. I think it's the exhaust. I dont know what exactly but it's smoking like crazy
  17. i dont know...i think i may need 20 pages of help :lol:
  18. I had just put gas in the car before noobs party. it's full so i would hope not, if that is the case it's the stations fault
  19. ya know i think i have had that conversation with Kelly :lol:
  20. I got one i just need to get it in. The bolts are being a pain but I will get it tomorrow :D
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