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Everything posted by sick620

  1. srry really blurry but thats the best it gets
  2. ya me 2. also i tryed the snapon 8 point and it was stripping it. I dont want to end up like that honda guy who cut up a rim to remove a lug lol. i could flip my truck and fill it through the drain plug :P
  3. LMFAO no thats one of my drifts mike! hahaha
  4. Congragulations! very good looking little man ya got there. his first car better be a datsun!
  5. I need one also but in idaho
  6. wow thats sweeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. sick620

    74 Photoshoot

    that thing is sweet. wheels look nice. i like the tool box in the back.
  8. ok so i got a 19mm 8 point snap-on specialty socket im going to try. ill take pics. if its 2 stripped ill use a file and file it down. if that dosnt work I got an eazy out and ill drill that f0ck3r out.
  9. sick620

    im new

    it cant be said enough PICS!.... Im am still deciding if I want to bag the 79.
  10. L series engine headers http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Datsu...Q5fAccessories 521 and 620 hoods http://www.up22.com/ranger.htm 620 sites https://www.fbirides.com http://www.olddatsuns.com/620tech.htm
  11. lol you took my idea. http://forum.ratsun.net/showthread.php?t=17372 thats ok sum 1 make this a sticky!
  12. what tool do i need to get it off????
  13. I just went and got some tranny fluid and drained my tranny. the fill plug is rusted and a little stripped. I CANT GET IT OFF! im kinda limited on tools.... i have been trying open ended wrenches and a cheater bar. I have money to buy whatever tools ill need PLEASE HELP :(
  14. where is the wire located? can someone get me a diagram or something or explain this to me like im retarded because i dont know how the choke works on my truck.....
  15. sick620

    datsun swap meet

    ya ive talked to him a few times. maybe datsun-freak will go with me also. he is like a gypsy he has so much datsun stuff.
  16. its a lilttle anal my friend but you cant tell us she dosnt get anal from time to time. maybe next time just buy the chocolate chips so theres no fights. :)
  17. if i were you i would just take my time and use this stuff. http://www.jcwhitney.com/STICK-ON_WEATHERSTRIPS?ID=12;0;1101003824;0;100001;ProductName;0;0;0;0;2008607;0;0
  18. no problem. get me a good pic of the current truck and ill pimp it 4 ya.
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