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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I was going to buy it but could not understand why let alone they dont do shit msd that is.But there pretty.
  2. Dont you fuckin dare throw in the towel mister.I will drive down there and beat you with a rubber hose and i mean it.That truck is coming along just fine.Everyone is pulling for you.
  3. Got to bring the front end down just a few more inches.lol
  4. Oh but we do have a few days left and then its all over.Im driving my Datsun in to the sunset when it happens.haha
  5. ok so 2 positives for fat lips on rear.the other thing to john like were talking about is the leaf's on the rear there ugly,so i thought 1 piece driveshaft coil overs all around and thats it.Keep the carbs and drive for a little bit more then paint it.
  6. yes i did.i was up there with three other guys going as straight as i could on the boom or ladder and shaking it.
  7. who's ugly ass 521 is that.lol i kid i kid.love you man
  8. yes ,its just a kimber custom 2
  9. As long as ass and shoulders touch the bench your good.never mind me what about the rest of you guys.
  10. No because i dont lol,its lookin good though.
  11. Here is some of them. Browning citori Remington 870 Bushmaster ar-15 Glock 21 HK USP 45 Stag arms. A few more i found in the glove box of my 521.lol
  12. That's me on the bench with 500lbs.Benching is my favorite along with military press.Any one else other then 12 oz's at a time.lol
  13. Got to play with the new fire truck a couple of weeks ago.Only cost 1.3 million dollars and hopefully will never have to use it.Its a platform truck with a 100' boom on it,its got cameras and buttons and switches and lights all over it.
  14. So this would be the idea for the back of my truck to mini tub and widen the rear wheels to a 9" or 10" wheel.Waste of money or hell yea.I need some feedback on this.
  15. Mounted a new throttle cable from under the carbs now.Thanks to Juan and Jose at R Rated Motorsports for doing it.I also now when i get a chance is get a longer hood release and re do the wires going to the coil.I am also going to mold in the hole on top of the valve cover chrome it and tap a hole behind the cover,i cant stand the filter on top.
  16. are you from there.and maui is not the best oahu is,more to do even if its crowded.
  17. Wow cuz Maui no kai oi.or maui is the best.were is that kehei cuz.all da haole's stay there.lol
  18. mrbigtanker


    And like a good hawaiian all name brand tires.To me its just worth it,you always have a bad egg but i have to say [knocking on wood] i have not had one yet.
  19. You son of a gun you beat me to it.looks good now to get mine done.were did you order the bearing collars from.Well then again like John said you do everything i dont.lol
  20. mrbigtanker


    Just by name brand tires thats for sure,i dont care what any one says i never skimp on good quality tires,besides its the only thing that makes contact with the road unless your laying frame.lol Also you have a vibration did you ever get the king pins checked also are you still using the stock drive shaft and if you are did you ever get the carrier bearing looked at my truck has a slight humming you might say when you get up there in speed which i would be safe to say is my carrier bearing,and i guess the humming i am talking about could be a vibration to.The trucks have simple suspension and drive train so it wont be hard for you to narrow it down. Keep up the good work also truck is coming together just fine.
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