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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Lets start talking about Obama that should get it locked in a heart beat.
  2. That explains the homes east coast style.its a very nice car. Looks good,2 thumbs up for you.
  3. You got from New York..did just get delivered
  4. That's ok I just found out today from 2 other people that he is a ass hole.dont need them anymore fuck him I hope he falls off the Brooklyn bridge.
  5. Todd Walrich is a prick.

    1. oldskoolvws


      Defamation. What happened cuz?

    2. mrbigtanker


      Tried to cancel the fj manifold because the other one shipped and he a fuckin break down that I still can't explain.Did not cancel my order just don't need 2 manifolds for 1 motor .This guy acted like I was fuckin his wife and set fire to his shop.

  6. I sure have the luck dealing with Fuckin dirt bags.Now dealing with this ass hole Todd Walrich with the Mikuni's,I might take a 1 day trip to New York to pay him a visit.Time to maybe go back to VW's,a lot less Fuck head's to deal with.I dont know,you give them your money and there like a bank they want it but they dont want to give you your money back. It's probably me,i am a big ass hole.I will say one thing sooner or later i will pop and the beatings will begin.
  7. I was just under there today doing all the steering components.
  8. I want to be a top donor,what the fuck is that all about.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H5WAGON


      If they change those little quote marks next to each topic to a RAT skull I will donate. I asked about this when this format started.


    3. bananahamuck


      I'm not donating either till some arbitrary stipulations are met for me also

    4. jrock4224


      u are the top boner!!!

  9. Do it and i will leave you positive feedback for just doing it.And not one positive but 2,because you would be the man. :thumbup:
  10. I here you,i went silver for one main reason and that is for re-sell,if i decide to dump them i think silver is easier to dump.Plus i might have this truck sold already so who knows.
  11. Talk about low,looks like you need to C-notch the rear.
  12. i wont be home so just get them on monday then.good night
  13. Its over now but i did not type that,i left my computer at work open and i work with a bunch of clowns,but hey i deserved it,I guess serves me right.But it still chicken shit if you ask me to vacation someone and not get a reason why. Or give me a chance to explain myself,i never was even warned once and i have positive feedback.
  14. keep up the good work.watching this.
  15. wish i could go but working nights this weekend.You guys have fun though..
  16. Its a very clean truck.Lower it and call it good dont stupid things to it like that dumb mrbig guy,just keep it stock.
  17. I got this truck sold already for a profit.Dont know what to do.
  18. That sounds different,do you have a picture so i can see it.Or is it a idea.
  19. I pony up and got banned for what reason i still dont know.
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