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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I cant afford to get one and i do such stupid things.I got a CDL and there is no traffic school i can go to.I seen your post,also though i can pull my badge out from the fire department it has worked before on more then once thats for sure.
  2. i would just pay some one to chop my wood.I am such a girlly man yea.lol
  3. I am officially broke now but why do you want that.Just to have or to put on your truck,i like the factory one's that you have better.
  4. what happen to this truck,were you at with it.
  5. That is some funny shit right there boy.Ill tell you what though it was funny as hell,it was 0330am in the morning and i am going home and i was already passing everyone on the road and once i passed the 91/55 freeway split i just gunned it,my speedo is 10 mph off so i used my Iphone to verify the speed and it got up to 110.06 mph on the Iphone and of course the speedo was pinned.Good top end and mid range but needs more help on the bottom end though.
  6. I know what you mean,oh wait both mine run.lol,Nice valve covers though and those are some what getting hard to find.
  7. Well she pulls hard that is for sure,i will admit my 2.3 has got a lot of pep.It has more i dont know if i should of went 2.5 exhaust instead of the 2.25 plus still needs jetting and timing dialed in.
  8. She is still my baby.lol I took it to work the other night and was doing about 110 mph on the 91 west bound,it is not tuned yet so there is a flat spot but i think this 2.3 liter got a lot more in her.
  9. Me to.Those fuckers got everything.Like tiki and Jrock.
  10. Wayno what do you have under the hood of that truck.Is that one a 2.3 liter.
  11. Just need a SR20 right.Oh i even got a 2.3 liter in the other truck now.lol
  12. ALso in case your wondering Fj20 moving slow,i think i said already but ordered the Kameari mani and plug wires from Japan.So i am going ITB's or mikuni's.Of course carbs would be cheaper being i got a stout fuel system already but i change my mind like a bitch sometimes,i think either way is going to be fuckin awesome,And i hope it drops in pretty easy.I was looking at the KA swap in my new truck and there is some room under there.Stay tuned.
  13. Thanks,I will post better pictures latter i am going to Las Vegas tomorrow for dont say it dont say it[lunch] with me and my wives friends at Texas De Brazil,great food there. Also my little cup racer.came out crappy but I already bought a new body for it to do it again.
  14. Now i have 2 521 trucks.

    1. wayno


      Now you will have 2 small fortunes invested instead of one.

    2. uberkevin


      whats up with the 2.3??


  15. So i want you all to say high to my new truck.I worked a deal out with Mr Ruckycharms for the KA powered truck.It is a very nice truck and he took really good care of it,there is some small issues that i will work out with her.I thought why have one when you can have two of them.I am giving his wheels back as part of our little deal and i think i might do the chevy rally wheels and just tidy her up a little more and enjoy the truck.Bad picture but first shot of it at my house now.I am so happy.litter bugger moves pretty good to.
  16. Got one,Thanks Jrock.And its powder coated
  17. fucking awesome man.I got a new motor myself.
  18. So what i get out of all this cuz,is you going put blocks in the back and crank down your torsion bars[re-index]. :rofl:
  19. mrbigtanker


    http://Good to go for like as long as Saturday Night Live has been on TV. thats the joke.haole boy.
  20. your not the first and you wont be the last.
  21. Well i cant wait to see it.now get to work.
  22. mrbigtanker


    Dats about 2 weeks ha cuz.haha
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