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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. The gremlins are on vacation,they will be back and you already fed them after midnight.Lol
  2. Saturday night's all right for fighting get a little action in.This saturday is the big day.BOOM :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  3. alpine 7803s,cleanest deck alpine ever made.
  4. Sure you say that now.lol
  5. I think about 200 hp range but really good torque to.But a turbo motor would be something down the line or now,I am like a bitch I change my mind a lot.lol
  6. Pugz I understand what your trying to do with the house purchase,better idea then the Datsun.I am not glad your selling but I do understand.As much as I would like to buy it my wife will use one of my many guns and shoot me in the head not once but multiple times,and then run me over with the truck again and again.I wish you luck with your new house purchase and good luck with the sell of the truck,I hope it goes to a new home to some one else that is a baller them selves because lord knows there anint many here.This truck is way beyond bubble gum and duct tape.keep in touch.
  7. Cuz I mahu,I need portagee sausage,haha.Just funny how people flap there jaws on this forum.
  8. Forging is a big part of everything if i decide to boost it right and it sure beats a L series,and no looks is not everything to making it run better,and i dont give a fuck if any one talks shit,it just gives me a reason to spend money foolishly again on my truck because its fun.And then in 6 months i will change it later again.
  9. S20 is nice but I don't think the 6 will fit.And it looks to be almost the same engine.
  10. Do they come forged from the factory,
  11. I bought one for my wife along time ago,damm good car,with my 21" arm hanging out the door with my rainbow shirt on and the top down.I was a really big fag,heyyyyyyy
  12. Hands down the best motor ever built from Nissan,and there rare.that's all,it's more of cool factor.
  13. That shit is funny no more likes for the day.i need to donate or something.lol
  14. I would pay nothing.But there was one for sale on craigs list a while back in california for 500.00,but i dont think they sold it it was listed for months but maybe now is a different time.glws
  15. cuz what you said,lol
  16. Manifold came in from Kameari along with spark plug wires. Whats next- get extruda bodies decide if i am going with dist or crank trigger take my baby apart again and pull motor. swap my tranny bell housing or get a built KA tranny for possible future turbo. small odds and ends and get er done. Stay tuned
  17. i think its sold already,so work stops there for now,i dont know why but no big deal,i will buy another one.
  18. wow are you going to paint it.
  19. I like were this is going,ride his torpedo.lol
  20. Well I guess I am dumb so it can't be that simple.
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