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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Re surfaced fly wheel today and got a stage 3 kevlar clutch.Start ripping out the old one time.Also lost my damm iphone so had to get another one today.
  2. July 1,2013 you can register for JCCS.Come one come all.
  3. i was just actually looking at getting a welder and a plasma cutter,because there cool and i wont stop cutting things.
  4. Your married now,just sell it because you will only have honey dews now.lol Looks good
  5. 91.00 bucks and going.this one got the cap and spout holder to which i never seen.
  6. good job,its moving along just nice.
  7. mrbigtanker

    Me n' my 720...

    how much you selling your truck for?
  8. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/cto/3902564200.html
  9. http://losangeles.craigslist.org/lgb/cto/3893341370.html
  10. mrbigtanker

    Me n' my 720...

    Snap on baby,I love the color of your truck.
  11. what you doing for a job now.
  12. So let me know how you get this to fit.lol
  13. They stuck out ever so slightly,with disc brakes,but they did not look bad,now with that said with these wheels you need to slam the truck to look good with them.
  14. not as low,and now i dont have them on any more.
  15. Another FJ yes,another 521 with a FJ I have never seen one.And thanks for the compliments.And you sold oil drop,you brought a tear to my eye.lol
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