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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Dont sell the truck,if it makes you happy we will post more in this thread.
  2. What happen to my tranny,i pulled it out and it fell apart.what the hell am i going to do.lol
  3. What i would do with her.I would buy her the bestest 521 money can buy.lol
  4. what i say,blame the little guy now.lol
  5. love the girl with the red top.
  6. Then you should see mine,it belongs in a museum,it is perfect minus the paint.
  7. novato does not exist it is some made up town in the middle of no man's land
  8. me to,by the way any one got a ka24 tranny.
  9. Is that the daf punk helmet. :rofl:
  10. mrbigtanker

    hoping for links

    why would they be different,the L16 is not different in the 521 versus the 510,at least for were the water hoses hook up to.
  11. They banned him because the driver was on a steroids.haha
  12. When OJ walked i did not see the so called whitey's riot,but oh well time to buy more weapons.lol
  13. Not for me thanks.
  14. Just go silver,but at least people are posting in your thread now.lol
  15. no it would not,well at least for me,i dont like the look of carbon fiber unless you painted it,its to honda for me.
  16. It was rigged, a Dodge won sat it's not so.Well I hope you had fun,that's what's it all about anyway.
  17. This sounds good but if he had to stop quick or hard braking would it not lock up the rear wheels.
  18. So true,like the fact that the tires did not come off from the wheels with that hell of a stretch.lol
  19. so what does that have to do with your 521,cmon get er done.lol
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