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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I understand ,its not about how much money you got or dont got,its about stretching the dollar. Why does no one have time and money to do it right the first time,But they have all the time and money to do it right the second time.
  2. It should not cost more then a few bucks to re-weld.
  3. This is this year i guess.duh
  4. Man if you can find a nice set of Weld cheyennes.
  5. Now would be good a good time to pull the heater box and check it and paint it nice,also would be a good time to cut your steering shaft down like 3".Do it.lol
  6. mrbigtanker


    titans are so 80's.
  7. Some guy called asking for his stolen Titan wheels back.
  8. I like the bronco but I would of went with a different choice of wheel.nice though
  9. Listen you tall fucker,the 12mm is for the damm muffler bearings,don't think I am dumb,I'll be watching you.
  10. It's fuckin running my sugar daddy bitch.And did I say thank you asshole
  11. Looks nice and clean. :thumbup:
  12. thank you.i am waiting for jrock to send mo mony.
  13. mrbigtanker


    DUH. :confused: :rofl:
  14. It will just dont have time to address the little issues to get ti tuned,but i have that all set up,just want to be as right as possible before i take it in.
  15. I was going to say that,at least in the truck section. :rofl:
  16. Is this even right to do ,by telling people on 1 forum to join another,talk about trying to steal business. :confused:
  17. This has been brought up before in a another post that again you need to read there rules on there site,but with that said why dont they its cheaper and more profits go in your pocket if you have to hand out more plaques,but i totally agree why should a modified compete against all stock?
  18. I don't hate you sir i try to respect my elders and you done me no wrong,and your a great guy but you should know that this would not turn out good.Like a few people agree lets see were this goes,hell if they turn in to the JCCS NAZI's then i wont go myself,who needs them anyway,you know this all about the money there getting paid and laid to do this event,now Honda is there,the best thing that could happen is they get really dumb and the people wont come forcing a bad turn out no profits and then well no show.But i hope not. Shit the best part for me of this last show was going over to the Koyorad both and telling the guys there to go Fuck them selves.
  19. Its not about you DAWA,dont flatter yourself.
  20. Ol yellar,you sure I making a lot of waves about his show.You might want to rethink of returning. Just like when I am at work,they call it chicken little,the sky is not falling but now it is.
  21. mrbigtanker


    You know I wish I kept all my stuff.got I am stupid.I love it though get rid of that damm 510 and come back to our side you trader.lol
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