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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I love you and i agree,its just living here in Liberal ville,and they are closer.And look at my truck i just settle for second best.
  2. Don't forget no smog laws to though so there is some trade offs.
  3. Not exactly,when you modify your car or truck you have to be within guide lines to bet that recon sticker.Like if I remember right if you have a lifted truck it has to be within a limit of lift it's a safe lift and if the tires stick out of the fender wells you need to run flares.
  4. saftey check is the left and middle and the right is recon sticker.
  5. Its short for reconstruction vehicle.So if you raise or lower your car or truck and it does not meet certain criteria you dont pass,if you ever get pulled over by the cops you will be citied,also in Hawaii you get a moving violation your screwed there is no traffic school you fight the ticket in court if you lose your insurance will go up.
  6. that is the ultimate plan.
  7. So hows about second best,RC is in Torrance and Dynamics is out of Texas.And from what i understand RC gives good head i mean customer service.lol
  8. Me on the left,taking the new guy training on the engine.
  9. Then we let the ALPINE play.lol Wow boom boom looks good lover,you think carpet or rubber mats would look a little better in there.
  10. Don't forget about the recon sticker as well,Hawaiian.
  11. Yes it was,pulled the plugs last night and unplugged all the injectors cranked it and #2 cylinder was the bellagio,except better.Pulled the rail off last night and took the injector off and i can blow right through it,and i did a lot of blowing let me tell you.So i am going with RC injectors.
  12. Thats good i am glad it runs again.wait that sounds like me. Now do something with that ugly engine bay.lol
  13. Is that jacket covering your hard on.lol
  14. What the hell is that fucked up Toyota next to you.hahahahaha Just kidding dont tell unluckycharms he would be so upset at me.
  15. Thank god she does not look like you.lol
  16. Look whos back from the dead,thanks,how the hell are you.Its a old sonic muffler,magnaflows and flowmasters and that shit don't sound god on these engines.
  17. So is FJ's,its just not my FJ thats reliable right. :rofl:
  18. Oh you will win for now......maybe And then i will break out the big guns.BOOM. :devil: :devil:
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