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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Dude you do know there is a horse on your front yard.
  2. I have had good luck on EBAY,found a lot of things that i could not find any were else.
  3. No i got more money for a 510 and another FJ,plus a wagon and why not throw in a skyline,just sayin.not to mention the NEMO i just bought witch reminds me i need a good scope got any ideas,i was thinking a leopuld mark 8.
  4. talk about a pile of shit.
  5. fuck you jcock,i spit all my food on the screen.jdm crate motor.lol :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  6. mrbigtanker

    My 72 521

    These wheels would look better back on it.
  7. mrbigtanker

    My 72 521

    You guys are not pulling the truck apart to paint or just masking it off?
  8. I dont know Moises i think #2 coil pack is/went bad,pulled the plugs and all looked good except #2 was loaded with gas on it,and also i checked the pistons to see if any was clean hence blown head gasket but all looks normal.Pulled dipstick and oil is still purple from the royal purple and no loss of water in the radiator,so when i get time i need to check for spark.It fires right up but it seems to be running on 3 cylinders but it still could be something else,another thing i need to check is to make sure all the butterflies are opening on the ITB's.
  9. mrbigtanker

    My 72 521

    So you dont like the wheels,with the tires being that low of a profile i would lower that truck more,but it is coming along real nice.
  10. Well i like it even with out seeing it.I think. :rofl:
  11. Kimbers are higher then that and so is all 1911 style guns but the rock island is very cheap and pretty damm good gun.I love the kimbers because for me,i do try to keep my money here in America,the kimbers are Yonkers New York,Springfield is a damm good gun but there lower end models are out of Brazil and the higher ends are out of Genosea,ILL.But the feel of a 1911 period in your hand takes my breath away.oopps to much info,i am going to FAP now.lol
  12. I wonder if there is a law on how many rocks you can carry to throw at the intruder.you think 5 is good?
  13. Left is a kimber pro cdp II,and the right is a sig sauer TTT!both .45 with only 7 round clips..
  14. Not stock but you better look at my engine bay again. Hence were all that money was spent.
  15. Look guns,that's what this all about.
  16. The whole god damm clip if you have to 5-100 what ever it takes,but we're back on that again are we. This a good example to me of a thread that goes in the wrong direction.Its post your guns not what's the law and how many bullets it takes or am I missing something.
  17. Dude you got my vote for president,in fact you got the job now.lol Hey captain let's move some were that no guns are allowed,we would just be better people right.lol
  18. Ohh I'm out of control alright.
  19. What's the difference,if you ever go to the range to shoot like most a sane people do,why not have full auto with a drum to have fun and shoot,it seems to me that we buy guns to keep them in our house for protection when it is a hobby you know.Shit why don't archery only allow 1 arrow.
  20. Dude that's total plus how many years,and dude you know it adds up,I do have a iPhone does that count.
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