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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I'll trade you for the green one.let me know and I will throw in 10,000.00 cash. Shit I wish I left mine like that to. You bitched..lol
  2. The 2 slots on the side will be in red and the bird wings in the middle will be black. The deluxe badges will be red on the top and bottom and black around the deluxe it's going to be hard to do but it will look good, have some contrast..
  3. Let me know if you want some done. I will get a price for you and let the guy know that you will send it to him or I can handle it for you.just so you know it takes any were from 4-8 weeks to get it done..
  4. Wayno I might move them I don't like them myself but is was a quick thing for that first pile of shit engine. It was sure needed but not as much any more.
  5. Your on to something there. I think there's still warranty on that engine.
  6. Yea I would say not as fucked as you,your batting what 2 out of 3 with your engine builder? Or is it 3 out of 4 I cant remember now.
  7. Dude I love your truck,wanna trade..
  8. Good now get that pile of shit out of the shop so i can get in there already.
  9. Hawaiian I got some pretty rare Datsun1500 badges,there were only in Australia i think not to sure,but never in America. Let me know if you want them i will send a pic,I will say they wont be cheap though.
  10. So remember they were designed to look around the old campers,they were not stream lined back then so when they hung off the bed you needed these type of mirrors to see around and down the camper shell.
  11. Welcome but with out pics there is no goon.It is a figure of your imagination.
  12. So is this truck done yet?????????????????????
  13. So that leaves you with a extra 9000.00 a month, dont bullshit me bro, I know what is going on here.lol
  14. You know what I like what you did,the truck looks really good and I like the mirrors myself.
  15. Right on , So what your really saying is you have money coming out of your eye balls, I get it.lol :thumbup:
  16. mrbigtanker


    Do you know how long it took me to get my 300 lb ass off the floor. MAN lol No Problem..
  17. Pulled the shifter boot off to check under the shifter out. And thats how its sitting right now. Now that i look at it those SSS pedals need to be gone or redone.Fuckin Gay lol :rofl:
  18. I have not used credit card for a long time now all cash. Just house payment and utilities. I do alright for a guy that makes just over minimum wage.lol
  19. I will get one today for you. Bro all i do is work sorry,even the wagon is just sitting.
  20. I dont think i will make it this year, my truck will be in the shop getting some things done to it.
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