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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I texted you back but you never responded. If nothing ever comes about I will contact you. And were is the pictures?
  2. Did you sell this truck?
  3. No your right though,this motor runs like a champ and the truck is all good it was just a bunch of little things that are almost ironed out.
  4. Wow good score bro and welcome to Datsuns you little virgin you.
  5. Looks like every Datsun in Finland is at your house. Good job.. :thumbup:
  6. Truck ran flawlessy down there and home in the fuckin 70 mile traffic jam and that aint no shit.Stop and go stop and go.
  7. Thats true but your options are limited with the set up on a wagon.
  8. There actually grey but will look into making them a light silver to go well witht he black wagon.
  9. So I got a hook up on these wheels. Thoughts? I like them 2 piece Watanabe's the RS-8
  10. Fucker thats funny^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :rofl:
  11. Is the Golden Gate bridge for sale?
  12. More pics already I can't wait this is bull shit.lol
  13. So if we do do it,we will bring the bed tighter to the body,another thing that should of been done from the factory you might say.. I promise it will look good and clean.
  14. Not for me, but it will in my pocket book.
  15. very nice my friend, awesome cars you got there. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  16. Thanks guys yes the rear will be done as fast as it possible can, and the bed hooks are going south for the winter. Wayno I started thinking about leaving the top of the bed alone but just cleaning it up with the bed hooks a new custom bed cover and delete the tail gate handles also all together..
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