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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Jay dont make tis a shit show, its your show now. period. Small think tank is all thats needed. To many people with bright ideas and someone gets there feelings hurt when not used or not smart. Ill try to get this guy to make you a LOGO. Incorporate the Datsun and Powerland logos in one. give me some time.
  2. Wait so shirts and flyers wont drive the cost up more ? Does that all cost money or do you have a hook up on free shit. Someone has to pay for it.. Volunteers is the only thing you said that's free, except there time.
  3. Cant wait. Looking at HRE or Forgeline wheels for it. Called Baer brakes as they have a back and front kit for them. Also found a guy back east tat makes a coil over kit all around. Oh boy stop it Ray stop it. lol
  4. Well, no pics yet, However the front half of the truck is out for paint. Bed and tailgate left no worry there. Just need the cab mounted so I can move forward. Its been over 2 years. and now I just bought a Syclone so now 2 trucks that attention. Oh boy
  5. That battery also throw that away, get a smaller ANTI GRAVITY. pricey but light weight and small, and not a green top.
  6. Well matching or eye popping tappet cover would be in order, as for hoses black, stay black, if you can change some if not most to -AN fittings even better.
  7. I will do my best to make it up there next year. Charge what you need to put a few dollars back in your pocket. Do you have a logo or looking for one, I might have someone that can put something together for you. Or if you would like I will help you with that.
  8. Jay good to hear. Seems like some power land stickers and shirts are in order. maybe some people can chip in and make it happen.
  9. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr And soon it will look different again.
  10. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Its a nice thing when your going north on I-15, and CHP rolls up on you and just goes dam and a big thumbs up.
  11. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr New look
  12. Bracket should been black. Also why did you not paint the whole bottom section. I’m so disappointed. Lol
  13. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr
  14. Nice man good job. Get a new bottom trim after you pull the dent out and it will look like nothing never happened.
  15. who is this mysterious mechanic that wears gloves ? C'mon man bare hands for the win.lol
  16. No sir it’s made by a guy in Japan, I got it as a gift from my friend. It’s a pretty cool piece.
  17. Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr Untitled by raymond medeiros, on Flickr These pics are when they were just swapping them out. But you get the idea. I will have to tidy back up under the engine bonnet.
  18. Sir, unless you have the 280Z struts available in your country, it might cost a few more dollars, but just order a set ready to go. If you don't have welding capabilities and what have you, just buy them outright.
  19. So with the 50's its putting down 139 Hp to wheels. This engine actually does 207 Hp at 6500 rpm according to Robello as I called him to find out more about this build. Next change will be the manilfold as its restricted as well. But looking its better. Looks different again as well under the hood. Wrapped headers and of course now black ITB's.Pics to come as by tomorrow re aligned and I hope to pick it up.
  20. That is some nice shots, awesome photo's. Of the refinery in the background that is.hahahhahahhahah looking good big sexy
  21. Haha, I don't think so. There is a Lambo in front of my wagon you cant see it and the engine is out.
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