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About mhub91

  • Birthday 10/05/1991

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  • Location
    Tacoma, WA
  • Cars
    210, 320, 620, 510, A10, B210, 200SX, 240Z, D21... Lost count. Had them all.
  • Interests
    Telling Ted he sucks.

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  1. FYI.... PL510 crossmember in a B210 doesn't allow you to "just bolt in an L20". The internet lies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mhub91


      Ok, so all over the internet folks claim you can make the L20b / B210 a bolt in affair by using a PL510 (early) engine crossmember. Makes sense, right? B210 and PL510 are 90% the same car in terms of geometry; steering and suspension. I like to think of the B210 the missing link between the Datsun 1200 and the Datsun 510. Turns out thats total fucking bullshit. I'm sort of pissed at myself for taking other's word on it. Tech wiki on Datsun1200.com claims you use a 510 cross member. A...

    3. mhub91


      doesnt look like you can read my full comment above? ^

      it's real lengthy.

    4. mhub91


      i will post info on my build thread later tonight.

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