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Everything posted by 71DIMER

  1. True toywagon82...never said they weren't....they are a good deal with tires, it's just that I don't do repro wheels but hey that's just me. Good luck with the sale!!!
  2. COPIES?! I mean they're cool and all don't get me wrong (Don't do it SKIB)...but man I got my REAL brand new in sealed box Work Equips 03's for less than that!!! Just keep an eye out man, deals are out there that's for sure!
  3. Hey motorheaddad if you're refering to my Work Equip 03 wheels...they are already sold. If you're asking about my Watanabe's I would be willing to sell them, just let me know if you're interested in them.
  4. You might as well ask for the winning lottery numbers...both are near impossible to find! :P
  5. If it's just circled white text on a black background, that should be a breeze for any sticker shop to print out for you since they won't have to digitize any of it and just create it from scratch. Look up a shop nearby you and send them a high resolution picture, they should be able to determine the correct font name (my wife can probably tell me just by looking at it) and print it out for you. I'm guessing it's small so not 100% sure how well it will come out since it will have to be printed...that's why it's best to call a local place and tell them how big/small it is and if they can do it. Good luck!
  6. Great pics!!! Gus-Gus, did you or your little brother take any pics? I didn't stick around much so I missed most (all) of it. :(
  7. BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, Texas, seriously?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....OMG that was HILARIOUS y'all! Thanks for the good laugh there Mr. Kirbyville!!!!
  8. Hey Ztrain, don't worry I don't ask questions to FUCKING ASSHOLES, so you won't have to worry about having to think of an more idiot replies. I guess some of us aren't all pissed off about these kind of bills since some of us don't rely on old Ratsuns as our daily cars. My Datsuns are all fun weekend cars, definitely not my primary car, shit I'd have to be one poor mother fucker to be like that. On and based on your 'oh so fucking funny...and not racist in any way' blackface avatar, It's no wonder you love your fucking racist shit hole state and all the fantastic laws they're trying to push. Why don't you just post your pointy white hood instead of that Benny Hill picture? It sure is nice to find a group of people for scapegoating just because you dumb shit know nothing idiots are getting beat out of jobs by other uneducated people. Good, stay the fuck there and please never come back you piece of shit. Sorry Skib and other admins, but if this means I get banned, I'm more than happy to take my medicine. I just can't stand FUCKTARDS like Z train and his constant bitching about a place he doesn't even live in anymore..oh and for the record, if we get a bill to separate Nor Cal from So Cal I'll fucking sign up ASAP...you can keep your ME FIRST bullshit attitudes from the Hollywood types from So Cal any FUCKING time! If you guys are just itching to leave, scratch that ass itch and get the fuck out and don't let the door hit you in the ass please! There I'm done... :)
  9. Hey Z train, I've said it before but I guess I'll have to say it again (and trust me I will everytime you decide to open your big pie hole about my state), unless you live here, pay the taxes (like I do) then why continue to talk about it if it doesn't directly affect you? Why don't you worry about your precious Arizona and their brilliant laws, and let those that live here worry about California. If you didn't like it and moved away, great, good for you, so if you have forgotten more about CA than most of us seem to know, why not just forget all about CA since you seem to dislike it so much?
  10. Our monthly meet is coming up this Thursday night! 5/31/12!
  11. Boaty and eat_more_drift: Your carpet kit(s) have been shipped and I PM'd your tracking numbers to both of you! Thanks!
  12. Hey eat_more_drift: Got your payment, your carpet kit is all done and ready to be shipped out. I'll try to get it out at lunch or after work for sure. Thanks.
  13. Not sure what's trendy about it...if you've been to large swap meets you'll know it's a pain to carry stuff, so why not have a little wagon. Water, again it's hot up here so you need to have it. And if we're gonna start talking about what we hate..we can go into detail about some of your choices as well....just sayin haha :P ' :PHey those are some sick wheels!!!! hahahaha...I missed them as soon as you left my place with them loaded up on your truck! GREAT pics Indy!!!
  14. Replied...got your payment and sent your a reply! Thanks!!! Hey Dwayn, thanks man, good talking to you yesterday and I'll get back to you later today about that spoiler!
  15. Thumper: your kit shipped out about 10 minutes ago. It should take 7-10 days to get to you in Ontario!
  16. I have a set of 16x7 Panasports at my friends place in Arizona...what's your buget? Shoot me a PM.
  17. Are you Jorge? Which color do you want? Sure, you can come pick it up. PM me.
  18. Good because I knew I shipped them to the exact address you gave me! Glad to hear you got them!
  19. Hey Oxymoron, if I haven't shipped them it's because I didn't get an address from you in a PM or thru paypal. Send me a PM on when you paid or your paypal address so I can double check. Thanks.
  20. ^^ damn Phil, I'll try not to do that while your emblem is on. Actually I'm pulling it off tomorrow and right now it's safe and sound on my grille in a secured parking lot. :)
  21. I do but I swore to secrecy! :P
  22. Hahaha, if it helps you feel any better, that particular one isn't mine, I'm still looking for mine. I KNOW it's around here somewhere since I did take a pic of it before. I hope I find it once I finally clean up all my Datsun stuff. :P
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