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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. yeah, maybe if you had some freaking patience I would have went somewhere sooner, but its people like you that make me want to figure it out by myself, and not post it or take any pictures so anyone else can do it. you got that response from two people in this thread, you have a problem, dont be a dickhead. additionally it seems someone HAS done it, sort of, with an Android no less. search HUD on 280zx, its on Hybridz (I would link it but Im banned and blocked from there cause I called their douche bag mod out on warning people for not capitalizing, needless to say my opinion is fuck hybrid z and all the old man fuckheads over there, I just read their bullshit on my phone now so no skin off my nose.) but that guy did it by inverting his android screen then putting it on his dashboard with a piece of tint and it worked great. I think I can do something a bit cleaner than that. I need to find a digital maxima dash. probably the same to wire it up to a maxima/300/and 280zx
  2. sorry were wasting our time by force feeding you this, stop trolling like a douche back to the original topic which might go somewhere and allow some of us to expand the ideas of possibilities of our cars. rather than complain about not liking a thread, boo hoo, "mommy the other kids were wasting my time in a thread!!!!, waaaaaaahhhh!!!!!" I think after doing some research on the subject I believe that the HUD might be able to be adapted to digital dashboard 300zx and 280zx's and probably the digital dash Maxima. the speedo units look similar and the wiring is similar too. so who would want to see an HUD on a 280zx or 300zx cause I think I could do it. Edit: on the Maxima the HUD unit could be incorporated into the instrument cluster pad, theres a good bit of room back there. what other Nissans came with digital dash's? Edit: there is also a check engine light that is incorporated into the unit, this could be used as a shift light and check engine light with most aftrermarket ECUs
  3. hahahahahaha and yea thats what I meant, cant believe i said serbians, LMAO, now that I re-read that.
  4. first you named the most overswapped engines in history then you named the worst performance engine in history, the STI EJ, engineering nightmare, $900 labor to replace a $19 fuel hose. most terrible engineering design in the history of car engines, the flat 4, oh wait, no were not building a plane?!?!?, yeah I was right the first time, worst, they also wear the pistons sideways due to gravity, not to mention they have crap transmissions, that have a tendency for the synchros to go out. Did I mention that Subarus are Garbage? give me an EVO all day, at least I can work on that engine without wanting to murder engineers in their sleep. I swear I hope I dont find an EJ swapped Datsun on here, thats just sacrilege. I would seriously kill to see a K24A2 swapped into a datsun and made rear wheel drive through an S2000 tranny, you could run it and beat it hard as hell forever with 250 WHP naturally aspirated, and NO THAT IS NOT AN EXAGGERATION. It would never break vitrually, it would be the most reliable datsun in history, and it would be fast as hell, and the K24 is lighter than an L20, not to mention it has VTec and Variable Valve Timing. the transmission in the S2000 is also a gift from god.
  5. what bugs me about the Caymen R is not that its a souped up boxster, thats cool, I dislike the boxster by itself. what bugs me is that people buy them and dont understand that it is a boxster. the tesla model s is so freaking fast, it pulls on turbo supras, its like an instant 1000 ft lb of torque
  6. Congratulations on winning the ABSOLUTE DOUCHEBAG FUCK OF THE WEEK AWARD!!!!!!!!!! I may not agree with Nerdist on carbs, But I dont go out of my way to be a complete and utter douchologist, to call someone a MORON, just letting you know, thats what some of us think of you. It probably was, after it was discovered by the serbians crossing the land bridge with the Japanese who later evolved into native americans. Ill tell you what though, regardless, its probably better off in Canadias hands their not that bad, theres alot of repairs with them to get em workikng propperly, all it is is a LCD screen which sits facing your windshield and reflects the speed off the glass, its technology, but its not like its google earth, that shit doesnt work right out of the box and could kill you! hahaha, if I had a 240sx I would put one on it.
  7. problem is you cant get up to 145 on any tracks I am near, gotta use the desert for that. I am not a NASCAR fan by any stretch of the imagination, and I used to dog it constantly. But if you have never been to a NASCAR event, then seriously shut up, cause you dont know what your talking about. On tv NASCAR in my opinion is stupid, live, its FUCKING EPIC. who doesnt like to be passed by 50,000 plus horsepower at almost 200mph. and at the end of the day though you dont always know who was the best driver, yes they are close matched cars, but there is also A LOT of favoritism in NASCAR, much much more so than any other automotive sport.
  8. Drift should not be on there because it is not Racing. its sliding around in moderate control and getting points. there is nothing race about it anymore.
  9. the sound of webers on l series motors =SEX
  10. http://www.speedhunters.com/2013/03/phil-robles-civi/ this car is sooo sick, and I dont give two shits wether you like hondas or not, if you cant appreciate this car, you might as well throw away your datto and buy a prius. I saw this car and was tlaking to the owner last night at the car show, really really cool guy, very fast time trial racer.
  11. you guys cant go around blaming the stores all day, ultimately it is you who both votes and decides another countries GDP with YOUR dollar. if you didnt buy what you had bought over the last 50 years arguabley we wouldnt be buying in china, and we wouldnt have as many shitbags in office. you wonder how the votes come in to play? Lobbying, thats where a good portion of your money goes when you buy shit. as I said YOU vote with YOUR dollar. be it for politicians, or for supporting China.
  12. Its an A, C pillar Hardtop!!!, WHO CARES I WANT IT!!!! Toyota corona?
  13. useless is an opinion, v8s being old is BARELY an opinioin anymore............. I love Nissan purism, I dont think it applies here though, but i would never sully a nissan product with an american engine, not gonna put a Subaru engine in my Porsche, not gonna put a Toyota engine in my BMW, not gonna put a Chevy engine in my Datsun. I think that so called "purism" is good thing, otherwise everyone might have an LS1 in EVERY VINTAGE CAR ON THE PLANET
  14. yeah but you can make that argument for alot of things honestly, it doesnt just work that way, just like the carbon footprint of the prius,its not cut and dry simplicity (i fucking hate the prius with all of my effort to hate something that I can muster) but they still leave less of a "footprint" if you will, yes their expensive as hell to manufacture and take up more resources, but no the batteries dont die in 5-10 years and cost 10,000 to replace, thats all bullshit unfortunately (I really wish it wasnt.....) just like all the shit surrounding ethanol. additionally I have killed like 3 weedwackers in a period of time that 3 weedwackers should not be dead in, but it had nothing to do with ethanol, the chinese make all of those pieces of shit these days, and unless you buy a really nice piece of equipment, its gonna die, thats just the way it is. yes it totally sucks, I grew up in the last of the days when you could repair any weedwacker or lawnmower, with parts from your hardwars store no less, but now they are barely worth the metal their made with, and they all die terrible deaths. anyone remember the days when you had Husquevarna Dirt bikes?, they still do, but they used to be more common. (they still make the best off road bikes on the planet) but remember you used to be able to rebuild a husky with parts from the hardware store??, ahh the days.
  15. only sometimes, sometimes he can be a bit of a gentle soul, but yes normally something much more brutal. "this cunt I once knew?"
  16. push harder!!! also helps to have two people, the tranny in my maxima took exactly 20 minutes to put in
  17. IDK, my car's engine went for 10 years and almost 260,000 before dying of a head gasket failure, and it never had a leaky seal, nor did my 280,000 mile 94 Accord, which went through using the gas in 1994, and all the way through now to when they have added up to 10% ethanol., never had a leak or issue. this is actually the first I have heard anything bad about Ethanol, other than its a stupid waste of time and natural resources, which I totally agree with. I will also say that E85 is some AMAZING SHIT FOR MAKING GOBS OF RIDICULOUS HORSEPOWER!!!!!!!, I have so many friends running e85 its not even funny, some of them are running straight e85 with giant turbos and over 1000 HP. heres the thing though, to run ethanol, you have to inject almost twice as much of it to get the same power as gasoline. BUT that power is extremely detonation resistante due to the high actual octane rating of the e85, it isnt 85 octane FYI I have another friend who has a 2.5 gallon tank of e85 in his trunk and once the turbo reaches a certain boost point, it injects small ammounts of e85 to decrease knocking and raise octane when under extreme boost. he pushes about 485 wheel horse power, on his SRT-4 and most of these people are not new to ethanol, its commonplace in the performance scene here.
  18. the hayabusa motor is a great idea, but if you try to pull a datsun 510 with it the tranny will explode, so you will have to hack the tranny off and figure a mounting plan for a five speed, Not worth it IMHO. the V8 thing is just old, beyond old in fact, I only use nissan motors, in nissan cars, so your not gonna find a 2JZ swapped in mine, and never anything american, and I really am not a fan of V6s that much either. I have been considering using an rb20 or 25 instead of the L28 turbo., just thoughts for now though. (910 not 510)
  19. beautiful stuff man, awesome work, is the car in the US now? or in Fiji still? Kinda sucks you had to cut apart another pillarless, but one must die so another can live!!
  20. the additives do break down a lot sooner supposedly, however that is why they say you are supposed to run one of those longer interval oil filters, they have a gel insert in them that disintegrates into the oil and keeps the oil fresh. I know, I thought that was some crazy shit too when I first heard it, but look it up, its true.
  21. ^unless its these Volks, haha
  22. I do like the mk1, I am not a volks person in any sense
  23. as I said, its a simple laziness fee, if people fail to look and just buy it its pretty much their fault. but in the cases where the manual is totally unavailable, then theres little choice if you want shit fixed.
  24. cant you download it somewhere? if so, then yea, those guys are messed up, but at the same time people are also too lazy to look and if thats the case then well, $6 fee i guess. but if you cant find it anywhere then I would pay that. shit I would seriously pay a few bucks if I could find a service manual to my 1974 Dokorder Reel to Reels, even for a computer copy!!!!!!!!
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