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Everything posted by captaingamez

  1. why? their one of the best handguns money can buy. people have dropped them in the puget sound and found them years later and they still worked.
  2. heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllzzzzzzz yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! though i dont get the "tow hook mcgee" comment lol ^this
  3. sitting back, relaxing to the sound of my Nakamichi.

  4. that pic of that Previa in the ricer sightings made me so depressed............ so heres this, this is what I imagine when I think of a Previa.
  5. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo NOT A PREVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS THE BEST VAN EVER DESIGNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! I really love Previas Previa options/features: rear wheel drive mid engine supercharged all wheel drive manual transmission
  6. you dont have time for highlighting and right clicking and then selecting and clicking "Search google for [insert selected text]" well I feel bad for you sir.
  7. woooow, thats some impressive stuff he has. hes apparently not afraid to see something and say "I want that, but I want it with this" the dodge ram/suburban is just cool, all his stuff is.
  8. aww that sux man I hope someone picks it up that will do something cool with it. I would but mine is already too much project.
  9. yes yes were running an expansion tank, it has 1.3 bar caps on both tanks and both are new from the same company, so they should theoretically be in good condition. as I said is it even a cause for concern? q-tip, your saying it should always have a little pressure in it, thats kind of what I thought too.
  10. dont even get me started on those freaking headlights. DAMN HONDA! that body kit is terrible. the wheels leave little to the imagination about the selection process (gotta get som rims son, with chrome!!!) the exhaust looks like ebay. and the tail lights I wanna say at least he took off the spoiler, but I know he probably didnt do it for an improvement......
  11. wow thats a hell of a datsun grave yard. someone should post an oic of the satellite image. to the OP, if you dont want something known, dont start a thread on it. pretty sure we all saved the coordinates already......
  12. Alright I have a situational question. this is not a datsun question but would apply the same way I suppose. heres the situation. this is an 87 Toyota Supra with 7M N/A engine. Cooling pressure remains after 9 hours and sometimes remains when the engine is cooled totally. now before we go down the Blown Head Gasket road, I will say that the system has been tested for contaminates, and there is nothing, zilch, and nada. totally clean water.with no hydrocarbons or COs. also leak down tested and No sign of a BHG. Running just water wetter. and a 1.3 bar cap, radiator and lines all new or in excellent condition, new thermostat new water pump, pressurized reservoir with 1.3 bar cap. No actual problems with the car, nothing is wrong with it whatsoever, and it gets beaten hard, and sits in traffic for 2 hours and never overheats. Obviously this isnt "normal" per say. but is it a cause for concern? especially if everything is known in excellent condition and theres no issues with the car?
  13. yeah, that was me. I think your all nutz...... thats why I made the pedobear comment in the first place. it was sarcasm.
  14. I want a Titanium Pedobear drift charm!!!!!!
  15. well a good start would be the CLASSIFIED section, you might also want to like, well introduce yourself. ya know. this is a community, you dont just come down to someones fishing hole and plunk your line in. IBTL!!!!!!!!!
  16. ^that is the sexiest thing in this entire thread. mmmmmm, J.I.S. spec............. no 11 or 13mm wrenches allowed here. can we make a Hardware Porn thread??
  17. haha, you know I posted and accidentally forgot to read what forum it was. I was gonna change it to a 510, but I lost the pic I wanted.
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