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Everything posted by 68Datsun510

  1. $80 to register a 2200lb sedan...$88 to register a gas guzzling modern SUV. WTF IS WRONG WITH CALIFORNIA!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. pl521sss


      And if you don't pay registration. They will garnish it from your tax return. WTF!!

    3. pl521sss


      And if you don't pay registration. They will garnish it from your tax return. WTF!!

    4. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Don't get me started

  2. Green eggs, awesome! I was hoping it was some one from the community! Nice truck! Jim...Gino was spotted being too Datsloco on the highway
  3. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/
  4. Great fun run! Great weather, good times, except the FUZZ!!! LOOK CLOSELY, THRU DGUY210s windshield... when you see it.... http://youtu.be/3fY7Mm8KoQY
  5. I have rear discs in my 510, rear calipers mounted upside down so it retained the factory cable geometry, holds just fine. Have to cut the cables and use some napa cable stops, but my car holds just fine.
  6. Yeah buddy! Im meeting up with them at the valley springs mini mart at around 930a
  7. We will have lunch at the end of the run in copperopolis at griefs BBQ in the new town plaza., between 1230 and 1ish.
  8. I picked up my ZX starter from a junkyard in 04/05 or so, a reman. Believe it or not, it lives to this day, in my 69. Its gone thru 3 engines and 2 cars...
  9. I got a blackbox dizzy before that did the same thing. The ignitor module (blackbox portion) went bad on it. The cheap ass reman ones do this. Swap the ignitor module with one from a known good dizzy.
  10. Yeeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!
  11. Theres only so many cars that particular shade of smurf blue. Only saw it once at Shasta, gorgeous car.
  12. Nah, its a chevron in Auburn CA
  13. Jim, sorry, but this is a mandatory meeting...
  14. We are putting together a last minute fun run. We are planning for this Sunday 10/21/12. We will head to Valley Springs (hiway 26). Then have fun on Paloma road back to hiway 26. We will find hiway 49 and head back towards San Andreas. Then we will find Pool Station road all the way to hiway 4 to Copperopolis. We will have lunch at Copperopolis and will set up for some pictures. Want to leave at 9:00 am from Stockton. Let me know if you are interested. We are meeting in Stockton in chevron gas station corner of march lane and Bianchi PM Me if interested, ill forward to Willie who is running it.
  15. Amazing what a little 'tune up' can do!

  16. I dont recall there ever being a stock by the book Nissan 2.3 stroker... hmmm
  17. And the powerstroke, and the bronco II, and the Aerostar, and the Ranger..... :P Its a racecar trick so shit doesnt go wrong trackside when seconds count in the pits or between races, been used by several reputable companies and entrepreneurs forever, no ill effects. bottom line? its been done for a long time, ever see an L toss a timing chain? on the track? This reminds me of the argument that I WILL toss lash pads because I dont have aluminum tall retainers. Guess what? Nope! Keep your valves adjusted, no problems. OP, pissing contests aside, have you gotten enough info to fix your problem?
  18. Wow, only a mile? On the way home from Canby '11 i heard the noise 200 miles from home and still made it. When was the last time you repacked the grease?
  19. Lol, love the "there is only ONE way to do things EVER and it was written 45 years ago and NOTHING can be improvised or improved upon" ideology. Agree to disagree i suppose.
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