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Everything posted by 68Datsun510

  1. At Skibs shop in Sacramento...
  2. Randy, after doing the math i only got 22mpg to Datsloco and back...of course for 25 miles Jacque and i were doing over 80, but thats IRRELEVANT!
  3. I have to stop driving my hardbody truck... that engine is just so easy to drive... 1st, 2nd, fuck it 5th! rolls on no problem. 30lb flywheel launches easy too...
  4. hell I'd still take a truck ka with 240 induction... cheap cheap cheap to drive lol
  5. ok maybe it's the truck ka that's regular rated
  6. Some of mine with a little bit of Ranman72 thrown in. From DATSLOCO
  7. Or Shell. Steve, your modern engine shouldnt be picky on fuel, its rated for 87!? Something definitely isnt right there...
  8. Nevereverevereverevereverever.....
  9. Yeah, by this guy ^^^^^^^^^^
  10. NOT FALLIN FOR IT VINTAGE! I'll take your KA...
  11. Hahahaha, the damage predates my owning the car by what looks like decades... I'll get a pic asap! Looks like 2 VERY negligent discharges and whoever had the gun was good, they blew out their front right tire AND the heater hose/radiator at the minimum!
  12. Rebello recommends the same, zinc and phosphorous.
  13. Regardless of what you choose, verify your oil selection has high levels of phosphorous and zinc, without that, our older style valvetrains will eat themselves up. Ask ranman72...
  14. Z22 crank is totally different. Only half counterweighted.
  15. Crappy mic again from the phone, but for what Rebello claims is a "mild" cam, it sure sounds wild =P
  16. Shank lug nuts being messed with by average tire monkey = sheared and crossthreaded EVERYTHING
  17. You know you own a Datsun when the neighbors 3 little kids next door go crazy every time you come home because they hear you coming a mile away!
  18. To take this a step further, you can analyze wind patterns based on how the car behaves. "Strong north wind today..." :"how do you know?" " Car just slowed down for no reason..."
  19. I went so far as to park my car on jackstands at Ranman72's place and take the wheels to a tire shop to get new tires. Nobody fucks with my car.
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