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Everything posted by RTB

  1. I want to relocate my handbrake to the tunnel and was wondering if there were any recommended assemblies. This is for a cable handbrake. Also some pictures of conversions would be much appreciated.
  2. I had a really bad dur moment not too long ago. Doing a bit of crawling with my land cruiser with a buddy who owns a jeep. Of course he gets stuck. I turn my diff locks for extra traction to pull him out. We decide it's time for lunch so we take about an hour break. After lunch I get ready to go again and the car doesn't want to turn. I start freaking out. My buddy and I start crawling under the car to see if I bent a tie rod. Nope all good. Power steering fluid all good. We can't figure out what's wrong. My girlfriend then gets into the car for a second and comes out with a smug smile. "babe, the diff locks are on".
  3. There's an entire engine subforum. And the l20 and l16 are very close to identical. The l20 has a 2mm larger bore and is taller. The heads are completely interchangeable. Posting the lift might help answer any questions.
  4. Worked in a high end shop this summer. One of the Ferrari's we worked on. Bonus owners 510 racecar
  5. Ah its very true. I got the last year where it was still really expedition minded. Once they v8 era began they became more soccer mommy. I got the 40th year anniversary edition. Front and rear elockers. I just love it.
  6. The 80 series? I cant imagine one no longer working. Hell, it was designed to run off the shittiest gas in the world. I dream of getting a 1HDT swap from Canada someday.
  7. I'm more jealous of your land cruisers. How I dream of making my 80 series a diesel...
  8. 40 degrees F in Kansas City tonight. Question. Whats it like living on an island where nature is out to kill you and you're upside down all the time?
  9. RTB

    A87 on a L20B?

    IIRC the modify your datsun book says the only thing you should really do to port your head is to match the gasket. Anything else will give you a very small return in power and cost a lot more. Plus if you have a die grinder you can gasket match yourself.
  10. Love my 4.5 straight 6 1fz. I swear it could take me straight up a mountain.
  11. No, I'll trailer the datsun and all the parts. Make the trip in the Land Cruiser.
  12. I'm going to try to finish my project for Canby this year. And I'm going to bring most of my stash to sell :D
  13. Pretty sure its the same seller in Kansas City
  14. If z22e pistons work that would be perfect. Slight dish. No reason to stack gaskets. how do i tell the difference between the early and late model piston.
  15. Second question. Ok, what if I keep my 85mm flat tops and get the 219 head. Then I get a metal head gasket or stack gaskets to get to about a 2.5-3mm thickness. according to ozdat that drops my compression below 10-1.
  16. I think I am going to end up calling rebello this morning to try and figure this out. Because when I use ozdat they dont have a NAPS-Z piston option but I know that its perfect deck height and maybe a cc or 2 for the valve reliefs. When I change the piston so that it matches the deck and use the v91 head on there and use a 3mm head gasket it gives me a compression of 9.4. But theres no way the compression would be that low with flat tops and a peanut head.
  17. 91 octane gas is fine? and so we are clear you are running flattop pistons with a peanut head and you have about 10.4 compression? And i have the NAPS-Z pistons so I have no dish at all. They just have slight valve reliefs. Also, Did you have to stack gaskets?
  18. Draynor, in your experience is it better to have a peanut head with dished pistons or a open chamber with flat tops. Thats the gist of what im asking
  19. l20b with stock crank. 6 inch rods. Originally I was going to use 85mm NAPS-Z pistons and a ported u67 head with a don potter cam, datsun comp intake, and 44mm Mikunis. But now I have the option of getting a 219 head but I want to stick with my long rod set up but I don't know if there are pistons at work with that set up and if there are, which set up would be more advantageous. Also the link isn't super helpful because I try to enter the current set up im building now and it says that my piston goes above the deck and I know that isnt true.
  20. RTB

    Side mirrors

    What car is that because its not a 510
  21. I don't know which pistons work with 6 inch rods. Also, Just because something works on paper doesn't mean it will work well in real life. So its sort of which is better, dished pistons with a peanut head or flat tops with a open chamber. They probably will have very similar compression ratios.
  22. Wagon for sale in the midwest. Not mine http://kansascity.craigslist.org/cto/4246777651.html
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