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Status Updates posted by Braden

  1. i must be crazy spending this kin dof money on a datto, shitty thing is is it wont look any different!!!!

    1. Pumpkn210


      Looks are overrated!

  2. got a quote on fixing the carbs, damn near 1k!!

    1. metalmonkey47


      Better be made 'o gold for that price!

    2. jefe de jefes

      jefe de jefes

      can't you get new ones for that money?

    3. elmerfudpucker


      How may fracking carbs do you got on that thing?

  3. so i guess my new name is drill bit, i just noticed, you guys are funny

  4. get my block back next week!!! hopefully carbs by the end of the month!!!!

  5. well im a total dumbass today

    1. Pumpkn210


      its alright mang! jus be more carefuller when Drilling into your Block!

  6. damn radio got jacked last night by some piece of shit, its a good thing my .45 didnt catch em, in other news im going man-hunting tonight

    1. Pumpkn210


      fuck em, kill em, and eat em!

    2. NICOYA


      catch them and chop the hand off so they wounldn't do it again


  7. i wish we had a canby on the east coast

    1. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      Its not that great the rest of the year. I'm sure you have a comparable redneck town. lol

  8. getting close to building my 44's!!!

  9. mikuni!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. ha ha yeah right, not in a million years on here ez lol, ah its not what other people think, its just how you respect and treat the ones who respect and treat you, everybody else is just everybody else, not really friends at all

  11. ha ha good yards? yeah right, although i do know where a 70's model hilux is that is damn nice!!!! its red and looks about a 77 model, someone needs it!! its at marlars wrecking in oneida, let me know and we will go check it out!!

  12. clean out your private messages man! lol that sucker is full

  13. so $45 for whats in the picture, minus an arm and plus an arm with a ball?, i just want to be sure because some newbie with 18 posts is claiming he sent you payment for everything in the pics? ill go ahead and send you the dough, anyways though

  14. I'm in Somerset, Ky. its is about 75 miles south of Lexington, or about and hour north of the tennessee/kentucky border.

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