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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Try Nash Metropolitan!
  2. We even played around a little! ^Clickey!^ And no amph car :( I wish!
  3. So I went on a real good trek threw this little known JY in my locality. They are a OLD SCHOOL operation. All word of mouth advertising and a great collection of OLD ASS cars and parts. From the regular to the rare, the weird and obscene! Here is the Oics from today's Journey! Theres too much stuff to tell it all here, and frankly there so much stuff in these oics that I cant ever begin to guess what it is! The lifted B210 is one of the owners sons cars. It is just a B210 set on a lifted 720/HB? frame! The stuff under the covers are the familys private collection, and only some of it is for sale! There are tons of out buildings on the property with stuff in them. One of the oics is of the tables and tables of carbs! And the piles of old straight axle shit is huge! Couple old toyotas, but no datsuns. Cept the Monster B210! Enjoy the Oics! I know that I didnt get everything, but I will be back! And maby some of you will come out with me! ;)
  4. How many Oics can you put in one post?

    1. lil89ram50


      like 11 or 12.. i hate it

    2. INDY510


      used to be 20


      not shure what it is noaw

    3. Pumpkn210


      Fuk IT, Got em up! Trust Auto Salvage FTW!

  5. Goin to the EPIC JY in the mornin!

    1. skunk


      nice, what you got on your mind???


  6. You are one of the we I was talking about :P
  7. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    I poured some oil on it, on it ;)
  8. Sweet car mang! Great place to start, gotta love the sedans!
  9. Did a SHIT job of adjusting them the last time, and when it started to act up... I nursed it home, on a broken leg :P And you can get this same effect if you leave your rockers outside for like 6 months!
  10. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    Click on the Video!
  11. He is asking what size your wheels and tires are...
  12. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    Got her back on the road today, after replacing the broaken rocker arm! And puttin the nose back together!
  13. So I am about done with the Pumpkn, for now. And before I parked it cause of suspension damage, the engine was poping and would hardly run! The last thing on my list was to adjust the valves, or so I thought! Adjusting the valves on a A12, A14, A15, ect. First you remove your spark plugs, making sure to remember what wire goes where! Then remove any Vacuum lines and other stuff that is in the way of removing the Valve cover! Remove Valve Cover! Inspect the ar-What The Fuck? OK Shit, remove broken rocker assembly! Grab Old Head out of storage and remove rocker assembly! Wipe down the area where the rocker assembly bolts to the head and put on rocker assembly! Make sure that the rockers are seated in the push rods before tightening the bolts! Look in the manual for the Valve adjusting Sequence! And the Gap! With the #8 valve all the way down/open you adjust valve #1! Use a screw driver to adjust the gap, after loosening the lock nut. After its at a proper gap, hold the adjuster with a screwdriver whyle you lock down the nut! Dont be shy, they need to be tight! Now there is usually a cold and hot adjustment, so once you get it back together... You will need to do it all over again! Happy Wrenching!
  14. Pumpkn210

    Canby 2011

    You so dont get it, and Im not gonna explain it to you *Runs fingers thru Mullett* TWICE! YYYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
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