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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. I almost dont remember when this Forum used to have tact like that......
  2. The GooN will be with its new owner before the end of the day!

    1. Shonuff


      always deliver the car, then go online at the new owners house and submit bill of sale. or pay the tow bill when it comes in...


    2. Pumpkn210
    3. INDY510


      Go to the DMV and release your liability

  3. Hot Shit guys, GREAT work! ;)
  4. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    They do, Hella! :lol: Your a weird Mo-Fo Zilla! You still comin down for lunch one of these days?
  5. Dang, theres gonna be some tight shit by the time this is all said and done! :o
  6. Best of luck to you Homie! Do whatever you want with your cars! You seem to have it under control, and your cars are done well! ;) Hope to see your build on here before too long!
  7. :rolleyes: Use both feet, ya NooB! ;)
  8. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    I see you already found out that they are not! :D So the springs I put in it have been sittin fully extended for like 7 months! I hope they settle out a little! ;)
  9. So for reference, how much is that? Looks to be moare fore looks.......
  10. My 4-link is Bad Ass, and Chokes are for Sissies!
  11. My car is as practical as any :P Cereal though it was my daily driver ALL SUMMER, and it drove to oregon like 4 times this year alone! And Im perfectly Happy with the sacrifices I have had to make as far as drive ability. I slam the gas down and rev my engine as a necessity with a HUGE smile on my face! Just wish I had a cool IRS so I could have like -1 camber in the rear, but instead I gots a Bad Ass triangulated 4-link! Think I may do a strut lift and make it a permanent -1.5 in the front! CHOKES ARE FOR SISSIES FTW!
  12. Just cause they call it a street car, doesnt mean that its a street car! Street cars have bumpers ;) Street cars have hoods without holes, and back seats :P If you want your car to perform better you do things that you would do to a race car in order to have a good performing "street car" I understand that alot of camber is a bad thing! I understand that the F1 car is totally different from our cars! But I also KNOW that a little camber can help you in the corners, and that alot of the race car technology can be adapted in some way to a street car to improve its performance! There are sacrifices you make to have some of those things, well pretty much all of them! But it is all really about what YOU want, and by you I don't mean you! I don't want a four door, I think that four door cars are for driving around kids and grocery's, may as well have a goon and go all the way. But you wont catch be telling someone that they are lame for wanting one. I respectfully, and sometimes playfully state my case and then tell them that if that's what they want then go for it! If I listened to all the people hating on my ideas, I would have Never found my cars or this site. I would probably be driving some beater ass VW rabbit with a bunch of shit wrong with it! *still running fingers thru mullett*
  13. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    New Back on all Fours! HERE is a link to the How To Buld!
  14. Pumpkn210

    new color

    Looks good mang... But your loyalty should put your biggest Oics here! ;)
  15. You guys are funny! I kinda like the look of a little camber. And Ive seen enough race cars to know that it works! Dont know why you guys are getting all *Runs fingers thru Mullett* Bent out of shape YYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  16. Put in the Grease Zerk: Pump It Up: It is always a good idea to mark the parts as you take them off/apart. This prevents confusion when putting the pieces back together. Now Bolt the struts back into your car and your in business. You can use a tape measure and a friend to do the alignment roughly. You measure between the tires in the front and the back, using the tie rods to adjust the toe in and toe out. Make sure to not do all of your adjusting on one side cause you can run them out till they fall apart! Happy wrenching! Did I miss anything?
  17. With the struts off the car and an impact gun removing the ball joint mounts was easy! Remove Bolts: Tap With Hammer: Pops Out: Now You've Got: Put in Vice: Remove Cotter Pin: Remove Crown Nut: Put in Vice so that the ball joint is free and the mount is held, and hit ball joint stud with hammer till it busts loose: Then Remove: Double check its the right part, and that you have a new cotter pin and grease zerk: Put New ball joint in mount, tighten crown nut, put cotter pin in and bend it: Repeat till you have 2 done: Bolt mount back into strut, you may want to clean it up a little with a wire brush to make it a little easier:
  18. I recently have done all the steering links, ball joints, shocks and springs in my 79 210. Heres a write up on the steering and ball joints! Remove the cotter pins and nuts from the tie rod ends, center link, idler arm, and steering box. They are all ball joints, you use a pickle fork to pop them out of the sockets. This is explained on the box and I forgot to take pics of it so :P These are the tie rods: This is the center link, it is what the tie rods are connected to: Pass Side: Driver Side: After they are out lay them and the new ones on the ground to make sure they are correct. when I did the ball joints I was also doing the shocks and springs so I removed the struts from the car for the next steps. This can be done easily by removing the nuts that hold the struts to the inner fender, and the nuts and bolts that hold the lower ball joint to the control arm. On my car there are 4.
  19. Pumpkn210

    Pumpkn News!

    So I started got the ball joints and installed them today, lots of Oics! Goin outside now to put it all back on the car, lots of Oics to come! Wiil be doing a ball joint and steering RnR thread for the How To section!
  20. Got my Ball Joints, time to reassemble!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Sittin fairly tall, hope it settles down and lowers itself!

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ima sure after racing in logging roads just might solve that prob !



    4. Pumpkn210


      Hopin so! Its a pre runner 210!






  21. Workin this mornin and reassemble the Pumpkn this afternoon!

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