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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. This prolly should get moved though :lol:
  2. GTR GooN :o :confused: :hmm: :sneaky: <_< :frantics: :pirate: :hyper: :thumbup:
  3. Do It! Im all for it, there scrappin em by the handfull. Why not save one to make something cool out of? KUDOS! Keep me posted!
  4. The next owner of my GooN!

  5. So were going out to this Junk Yard on sat in the morning-ish! I will be meeting people in the parking lot of the Fred Meyer in Puyallup The yard opens at 10am, and I would like to leave the lot around ten or so. If interested post please RSVP! No Ratsun Left Behind!
  6. Meanwhile under Meg Griffens Bra.......

  7. Flush your rad and re heat some pizza in one step? I think so!
  8. Scout vehicles, loud dusty sideways driving! People seem to keep clear of me when I have gone out and done it. Cereal though, you gotta scout real good and have ppl at different places of entry. Maby put up cones and/or park cars on the roads to block off small runs to use. Hopefully one of the wheelers will have a PA so we can announce our intentions to the ppl in the woods whyle we do the scouting! I know that you cant just go out into the woods and drive like a maniac with no precaution. Gimmie more credit than that!
  9. Fault? The fact is that the guy driving the truck had plenty of time to see the Z car! Why do people always hole the government responsible for peoples mistakes? To what end? Suing the state will help Nothing, its not gonna prevent car accidents! <_< And the light is on an on-ramp! Watch the video....
  10. WTF am I talking about?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. INDY510


      Good Bars have those paper seat protectors like the ones in the crapper

    3. Pumpkn210


      Good Bars have liquor in them!

    4. INDY510


      And good bars have hot chicks...



      But that's more likely in a bar with poor lighting and really cheap drinks


  11. You are a brave man, erich was like "That truck is Cool"

  12. Im glad theres recovery rigs comin out! Hate buildin Pilings under cars on jacks to get the wheels up to the same level as the road! Takes alot of racing time ;)
  13. Sounds like you've got it all figured out! Sounds like a solid plan, Ive alwayse liked the LZ24 rat engines they make!
  14. And its nismo dr with NooB Pwn and Drunk Bitches Kissing for the WIN
  15. The driver of the truck was at fault! Theres plenty of straight away before the light! And there are two lanes! Now the states insurance is gonna hafta pay cause some Idiot hit a car cause he was dumb? Sucks for the PARApalegic but the state should not be responsible for this!
  16. Looks like the Perfect Haloween Costume for ya!

  17. It sure does, I like that truck alot! But most others on here dont, so sssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  18. A NooB Likes that truck you guys all Hate so much.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Guest



    3. erichwaslike


      oh well then i retract my statement. props to the guy that built it and to him for buying it since it looks like a well executed build

    4. Pumpkn210


      Yes, props! That tryck had bout $7500 woth of fab done to it, cant wait to see what happens next! Would love to see that truck on here more!

  19. I was thinkin bout makin some out of some coloured plexi! ;)
  20. Your Sig Is Perfect! NEVER CHANGE IT

    Ha ha ha ha h ah ah ah ah ah ah h a

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