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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Ill just leave this right here!
  2. Fourteen Quarters!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Pumpkn210
    3. south of reno

      south of reno

      Quarters are still great for arcades. =)


    4. Pumpkn210


      Reno dont know about my pennies!






  3. ^^When this is possible, it is the greeetest way to doing it!^^
  4. DANG, I really need that pass door panel! :P
  5. Goin again this SAT! Me and teddy + whoever... Need to get some neat old mossy parts! Come on DOWN!
  6. ^^Has a smooth idol!^^
  7. Wait... What? He posted something, or hope he sees this? :unsure:
  8. :unsure: ummm... too late? :rolleyes: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/26781-met-pete-brock/page__p__387792__hl__%22pete+brock%22__fromsearch__1#entry387792
  9. Its as easy as tearing the engine out and apart! ;)
  10. I wanna thank Banananahamouk for these Cool Ass Carbs! They are British Made Zenith 34s, from a volvo marine application... Got em apart and one is clean ass, the other... not so much! Got it soakin, will see soon. ;)
  11. Thasts freakin Awsome! Ive alwayse wondered how well those water to air coolers worked.... So you say it works better than a air to air of the same size?! Premium!
  12. Pumpkn210

    210 weight

    My car weighs 1700 lbs, 900f 800r! no rear seats, bumpers, int, A14 4sp...
  13. Fukin alt went out... yesterday, started givvin me prollems today ie dead on road. Went to lunch with Pete Brock, then fixed er up...
  14. Pumpkn210

    new guy

    Alwayse make sure your oics are thoroughly cooked before eating them! You could get sick!
  15. Oics or ban + its prolly a 620... But welcome none the less! And get some oics up meow!
  16. Welcome to the text! And Sweet Mags!
  17. Got it for $20 at a Yard Sale = WIN! :cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CR8FKFc-3Xs
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