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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    Same color as mine also.
  2. Loren O

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Very Nice! I love seeing another one of these cars being saved!
  3. We completely understand that. I hadn't seen a post about the memorial meet for Datdoug,until now,or we would not have chosen the same date.I will openly say (and I am sure Al would agree),that if ANYONE feels they have to make a choice between Datdoug's memorial meet,& our fun run, please feel free to choose Datdoug's memorial! We will have other fun runs,but there will never be another Datdoug.
  4. We'll we will see you at Blue Lake then. Good luck!
  5. So,I am hoping that means both you & Flatcat are going to Join us for this.
  6. I hadn't thought to check the tides. I probably should do that. Also,thanks for the advice on the route! I do hope to make it a Fun drive for everyone. We are going to try to take Hwy 101 as much as possible too.
  7. We will be having a fun run to Pacific City, Oregon Sunday,July 17th, 2016. This is the beach where the Dory launch is. Cars are allowed to park on the beach, which should provide some great photo opportunities. as always, this is a family Friendly event, open to anyone who likes Datsuns. it is not required to be a member of any particular club. I hope you are able to join us. https://www.facebook.com/events/253542771678226/?ti=cl http://pacificcity.org/ At the moment I am leaning towards meeting at the rest stop between Wilsonville, and Woodburn, around 6am, so we can get down to Pacific City, in time to enjoy the beach, before we have to head back. I'm sure there will be other meet up locations posted before the day of the fun run.
  8. I personally like being part of Datslocos Oregon! (I'm Al's vice president, so I had better like it,huh?!) I have had more fun with Datsuns, & otherwise, since Al recruited me,than I ever did before I was part of Datslocos Oregon. We help each other out,have a good time together, hold regular events,& fun runs,etc. So HELLYEAH,I'm Damn Proud to be part of Datslocos!
  9. Q-tip! Hey Buddy, where were you this year? I mostly go to Canby to see people. I was going to list a few of those people here,but that list would be really long,so I will just say that you (Q-tip) Ted,Jrock,Wayno,and a Bunch of others are among them. It wa since to talk to Rick for a few minutes, nice saying Hi to James,even though I purposely rushed past his booth,because I knew he would have a bunch of stuff I would want,but I didn't have enough $ to buy much of anything this time. As usual Ted,Jrock & Phixius were a big help parts wise. I was able to get the parts I need to hopefully get my 610 wagon on the road before August. I hope people don't get the idea Taadj & I are arguing in this thread. We have different views on the sub,that's all. I respect the opinions of others, even if I don't necessarily agree with them.
  10. I can hardly wait to see that! Good times, my friend, good times!
  11. Lol! Yeah,I saw that after I posted it. I only have my phone for internet,since my home computer crashed (apparently prior to July 2012,not that I am really keeping track.) Posting from my phone,& it's tiny screen &" keyboard",occasionally makes me miss mistakes that I would hopefully catch on a desktop computer. On an entirely different note, it was nice talking to you Saturday, as always. I'm looking forward to Blue Lake, & Datsuns around Bend. Are you going to either, or both?
  12. I had a different Ratsun profile previously. My home computer had a complete & utter meltdown,& I could not remember my password info. I asked the mods at the time to just go ahead and link the two accounts, if that were possible, but either it wasn't, or nobody ever did it. Either way, I have been around longer than my current profile shows. Doesn't really matter either way. My point was that while some individuals are able to organize an event of some kind,& draw a larger crowd, I think the average person trying to do the same thing would have better showing doing that as a club event,rather than as an individual. It doesn't matter which club,or what that clubs name is. Again,I tend to think that just because you,or others with a well known reputation, & following can do it as individuals, does not necessarily mean that the average individual can. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter to me either way. I have friends in 3 of the clubs that are currently actively putting on events in my area. I have done what I could to help out with thier events, that includes this year's Canby show. If you,or any other individual wants to organize something, that is in my area,or within reasonable travel distance, I would be more than happy to be part of that. I always enjoy talking to you, Jrock and the other people I think are capable of putting on events as individuals. By all means, let me know, I will do my best to be there.
  13. Ok,but that's YOU Ted,not the average person. Sure some people are well known enough, to be able to draw in a large number of people, even though they have never met them. Then again,do you think that just because you don't know them,they haven't heard of you? I have been here on Ratsun for something like around 7+ years. I post my share in various threads, but I doubt that even now,after organizing several meets,& fun runs,that I could draw as many people as an individual, as I can as a leader of Datslocos Oregon. Like I said earlier, I respect you that can,& have done things for our community, on your own,I just find that for me,it works to work as a part of a club,to do things for our community.
  14. I wish this hadn't gotten all dramatic like this. Some of you aren't fans of Datslocos Oregon, & that's your perogative. It's unfortunate that our event was the same weekend as Canby, but it appeared like it didn't hurt the Canby show anyway. I am never going to be able to convince those that believe our event was scheduled on the same weekend as Canby out of spite,anything other than that. Some of those people are only going to see the negatives. Not really anything I can do about that. I know that we had a great event, some of us went to Canby also. I had a great time there as well. As for the whole thing with why does there need to be a club,wether it be Datslocos, or some other club; for one thing,it makes organizing fun runs,& meets easier. I have been around the Datsun community for plenty long enough,& been part of the Ratsun community for almost the same amount of time. I have seen people try to organize meets/fun runs,etc as individuals, & while I respect the efforts, I just believe more people are more likely to attend an event, if it is put on by a club. Sure "Bob's " friends will probably get together with him & thier Datsuns,but how many people who don't know "Bob",or his buddies will go to an event put on by a random group of people, that they don't know? Take a good look at any of the event threads I have posted;either here,or on NWD,Or on one of the Facebook pages. I always make it very clear that everyone is welcome, not just Datslocos Oregon members. Ask anyone that has ever said something like "my Datsun isn't ready, or its broken, etc. You will find out I have always told them to just show up in whatever could get them there. Another thing; some people (myself included ) like to feel like they are a part of something, being members of a club fits that bill. I don't judge anyone who chooses not to be part of a club, why judge those of us that do? I have alot of respect for Taadj & Jrock,Rickrat,flatcat,& Nanners,I am just going to agree to disagree with them in this case. Now,please people, can we all just get along, & get back to doing our Datsun stuff?
  15. Oh,I almost forgot to mention, I also got the automatic transmission pedal assembly and floor shifter this car will need,because my wife doesn't drive a stick. Thanks again,Phixius.
  16. I have a replacement front fender, I got from Danfiveten awhile ago. I got the left taillight I have been searching for from Phixius,Sunday at the Canby show. Also thanks to Phixius,for the heads up about the 610 wagon that was at Pick n pull south recently. I have the rear hatch garnish various other trim pieces, a clock,& both headlight buckets off that car. I still need to get the grille that Merlin Blackwell has been saving for me,but I have been afraid it would get damaged in shipping. This car has been in storage for awhile, so there are bound to be other things I have forgotten that need replacement. I think I remember both bumpers being pretty banged up.
  17. Well friends, the time has come to get this car up & going. I am hoping to have it ready so my wife can drive it to Datsuns around Bend in late August. I finally have the left taillight, & rear hatchgarnish, plus the automatic transmission pedal assembly,& shifter. Any help with scrambling this together,& making it reliable enough for the trip there & back from Canby would be Greatly appreciated!
  18. I am Definitely looking forward to this event! I'm going to try to have both my 521,& My wife & I's '73 610 Goon there. I'm hoping for some help getting them ready for the trip. Definitely excited for this!
  19. It was great to finally meet you, & see this truck in person. I still say that Donut was the best one I have ever seen! I wish I had gotten it on video.
  20. Datzenmike, that convoy from Eugene got to Canby at right about the time you left. I was disappointed so many people had already left,but a lot of people were still around too. We had heard alot of talk that the show would be wrapping up around noon/1pm,but it was still going at around 3pm. Many of the people that didn't make the trip from Eugene to Canby Sunday were under the same impression. I heard themail same thing at Canby. Some kind of mix up there. Too bad,because there would have been alot more people show up Sunday otherwise.
  21. I'm hoping to have this truck ready to drive it to Blue Lake, & Datsuns around Bend in August
  22. I am so looking forward to this!!
  23. This was one of the best weekends EVER! I had a fantastic time. It was great to finally meet some of you,that I only knew online before this weekend. I am honored to have finally met Gino. It was great to finally meet Carlos, & see his 521 in action, in person. This weekend was by far the furthest trip I have taken my Goon on ,in a very long time, if not ever. No problems at all,which is great. I can hardly wait until the next event & also for Rat's with Dats 2017!
  24. I'm trying to get everything ready to go this week. Monday I drug out the camping gear I got from an old co-workers garage sale. There were 2 tents,some pots & pans,most,(but not all),of a camp stove. The large tent was missing it's poles,& rain flycover,the smaller one has a broken pole. I went to Big 5 & got replacement poles,& am just going to get a tarp to use as the rain flycover, for now. At this point my biggest concern is getting my shocks,struts, ball joints,tie rods installed,& an alignment done before Friday night.
  25. I'm looking for someone who can pick up a 610 grille from Merlin Blackwell, and very Carefully bring it to either Rat's with Dats on Saturday, or Canby on Sunday. I am afraid tof have it shipped, because I don't want it damaged. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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