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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Heading out to the IE tomorrow to visit mom and checkout a couple of boneyards. Hoping to get lucky and find a 210.

  2. Also very happy to hear you got it back. I generally take something out from under the hood so no one can drive off with my Datsun. Been considering a tracking device as well.
  3. So this morning I'm heading over to the bus stop cause I need to get Stanley (my Datsun) from the shop. I look over at my truck and something looks strange. I walk over to it and some asstard had pulled off all my wheel caps, put all my wipers in the upright position, stuck a twig in my door, laid the wheel caps in a row on the hood and put leaves lined in a row along the windshield. Don't know if it was a drunk, tweaker or general jackass but really? If I had seen it being done I wou...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      my bf was perturbed when i told him. now he's wondering if it's some freak nut.

    3. its_karl


      sounds like something an 8 year old would do...

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!? f'ing stupid.

  4. You're welcome. They're very quick with shipping. I've ordered from atomboys a few times now. I believe they are back in February. I have an order with them now I'm in discussion about. Everything I've ever ordered from them came in two weeks flat so once they're back you shouldn't have to wait too long.
  5. I know! I've been through that with parts for my 210. Drives me crazy. The parts guy I talk to at Nissan in my neck of the woods is very helpful in looking up parts and lets me know which are out of stock but also lets me know which parts may be compatible. Stupid everythingnissan.com still lists stuff that no longer exists. The dummies.
  6. Nissan doesn't have that part # anymore. I just bought a temp sensor so I know. Get part #25251-37700. I did find part #25251-30100 at a place in Pennsylvania if you def want to get it. I haven't ordered because I'm trying that other nut first which I've heard and researched should work. If not the place in PA is TruPar America. Site is trupar.com. They carry both part numbers but should be same nut.
  7. Haha! No worries. I think we're all anxious for the next one.
  8. Look up at post before yours. March 10 is the next one.
  9. Ok good to know. Still learning what is interchangeable with my 210. Started a notebook with info I've been gathering since I joined this forum. Always appreciate the info. Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the info. I'm just leery when I'm told anything from another model will work with my 210 cause it's so darn special. I've only found a couple things that work and they're cosmetic. I'll be checking the nut out but at least I found a place that has my part number if this 510 nut won't work. Honestly I'd prefer to replace the sensor and nut to new parts. I'm doing the same with my fuel sending unit. Already received the o-ring. Just waiting on the unit to arrive.
  11. I'm sure it will but my concern was it holding up after all these years. Like my parts guy at Nissan said his busted over time after replacing his sensor. I did some researching online last night and came across a link to another forum where some guy with a 510 was asking about that particular nut with the 210 part number. He was told that it was correct so I want to assume this 510 nut will work. If not, I actually found a forklift company in PA that has it in stock. Just called them this morning. Sweeeet! Think I'm good.
  12. I've gotten a new temp sensor and nut from Nissan for my 1981 210. The sensor is the same for the 210 and the 510. Problem is the nut is not available for the 210 so my Nissan contact got me the one for the 510. He thinks it should work and I'm hoping he's right (and so is he) but I wondered if there was anyone out there that new for certain. The part numbers are different but sometimes that could just be a design difference (at least I'm hoping). I didn't want to remove the old one cause he was telling me the story of his 510 and how he replaced the sensor and tried to save the nut but it eventually just broke. Now I'm afraid to even bother touching the thing. This one is about 1/2" in diameter. Naturally I won't know the size of the old one until it's removed but again I'm a little nervous about that. Anyone out there can give some insight if the nut might be a different size between the 210 and 510? Thanks in advance!
  13. And depending on which '80 you got (round headlights vs square) and if it's a sedan there's also these (for square headlight '80): http://www.ebay.com/itm/170766818257?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 i got a set of those myself a while ago. just note the plug is backwards and you'll have to fix.
  14. I wouldn't think so but I believe the plunger under the knob was not decompressing properly. Wasn't sure if a spring in there was crazy or something. Also might've been all the dang goopie lube that was put on the new shift knob that was causing the button to stick. At one point the button even shot out. That was hot. Wiped all the goop off the plunger, knob and button so it seems to be working now. But I still wonder if it's not a good idea to have one anyway.
  15. Anyone near the Stockton, CA Pick-n-Pull? There's supposedly a 1982 210 there. Would like to know if it actually exists there and if it's an automatic. Would like to get the entire automatic shift mechanism to use for possible parts should the occasion arise. On the lot 1/18 row 157.
  16. You own a Datsun when you have a separate key for everything...the door, the ignition, the trunk, the gas cap (if you replaced with a locking one).
  17. Lucky! But since I keep a key in my bag it's all good. Luckily my Pathfinder is dummy proof (doors won't lock w/key in ignition)...unless you set the keys on the passenger seat and lock the doors. I keep a spare in my bag for that too. Yup, I'm special :)
  18. Getting new shocks and struts. Maybe my ride will be better after.

    1. Eagle_Adam
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      It should. I didn't used to have to wear a sport bra to drive it :)

  19. Uh, I've done that :blush: More than once :blink: Lock the door, lift the handle to shut the door but as you're swinging it shut your mind is telling you "the keys are in the ig.." slam! I keep a spare key on me at all times.
  20. Isn't it beautiful? I can't stop looking at it :wub: Now I just need to finish sanding my rearview.
  21. And here it is! The new knob is in!
  22. Got my door damb switches. Tryin to get my seatbelt chime working properly again. Some doin't care about that but I love hearing that little bell :)

  23. Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch. ~Orson Welles

  24. I've seen the dates of June 8-9 thrown out with a party on the 7th. But I'm not sure if that's for certain. It was in the Canby thread.
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