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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. The bf spotted this on his way home.
  2. 1982 automatic 210 at Ecology in Rialto. Seats were gone. I took the lower left front door hinge. Body was pretty straight. Too bad somebody didn't want to save it.
  3. On the 101N around the 110 merge this afternoon.
  4. B210 behind me on Martel in West Hollywood
  5. Yes I'm working on some now. These prove a little more difficult than the last ones I made because it's a two part (front/back) casting and not one side like the others I did. Have to be careful or the air bubbles will ruin it so it's taking me a little more time to get a nice batch going. I'll post when I've got a few to pit up for sale.
  6. Saw this at Ralphs in Valley Village on Magnolia and Coldwater Canyon. Was an '81 or '82 210 judging by the grille. Was in decent shape. A little busted on the passenger side front fender and bumper. Had a Club on the steering wheel.
  7. Thanks for the info. I didn't look at the video. Too busy feeding my face :) Always curious about people's experience with these. Not a bad idea to have a dash cam these days.
  8. I want one of those. Where/how did you mount it in your car? Does it clip on? Or do you have to screw it into something (which I wouldn't want to do)?
  9. Have a safe and wonderful holiday everyone! Be careful driving out there.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Because drunk drivers

    3. skyblue


      Drunk drivers driving 521's with fj20's. No one specific.

    4. bananahamuck


      And a Polish pulley spinning the wrong way?

  10. Got the other emblems I made off the car. Floss works nicely getting double stick tape off. The pins on the new emblems line up perfectly. Just need to paint them now.
  11. You will be my new best friend :)
  12. Saw a beat up 620 on Santa Monica Blvd this morning on my way to the 101 then in San Berna-ghetto in the IE on Baseline St I saw this
  13. And that reminds me of something Lenny Kravitz said about his parents. He never noticed they were "different" until people started pointing it out. That's very true. My dad is black and my mom is white but they were always mom and dad. I didn't notice a difference. I've always noticed the difference between assholes and non assholes. The first time I realized I was different was when I was about 5 and I heard on the news that the klan were responsible for killing some black kids. Sad when you're that young and realize that there are people who want to kill you. People are so sick. Dude where'd you get my picture?
  14. Being PC is boring. No fun in that. I think everyone is messed up. My dad would get so aggravated when the whole African-American crap started. "Black people don't know they're from Africa. I'm black!" He'd crack me up. I say what's on my mind and if it offends so be it. People usually only get offended if there is truth in it. I don't get mad when people say stupid shit because I know who I am. If you associate yourself with what someone is calling you then you probably should get upset and maybe change it if what they're saying isn't exactly a compliment. People really need to get their ass of their shoulders. Bunch of big ole babies running around :baby: That might've been the place. I was going to send that pic to a friend. He'd love it. It was meant to be subliminal. And see, you got it! :)
  15. Here's some castings my uncle's been messing around with. We got a couple different types of casting resin. One of them cures to white and there's another that is kinda translucent yellow. We've put some black die in both to see how they'd turn out. One of them came out gray for some reason. And he's been dieing to try out this gold stuff he got. I've been testing out different paint on one of the black ones. Kinda wanted to do these with a brush but I'm getting brush strokes like I thought I would. The spray paint is better. Testing continues........
  16. What Mike said I was there, in the back, in the corner, in the dark Oh snap! Like a fox! I thought that only happened while eating Cheetos and.....
  17. I was looking for the picture of the brother man that was holding the sign that said black mothers shouldn't have to be worried about their sons getting shot while robbing a liquor store (or something to that effect). I saw that pic someplace and for the life of me can't find it and instead found that page. Shit made me laugh. Sadly, because although it is incredibly racist, there is a lot of truth in that list which is actually even more sad. I'm just glad the black folks in my family aren't ghetto. I'd slap the black right off them my damn self.
  18. Ok I stumbled on this website and had to share. Good thing I wasn't drinking anything or it would've come out my nose. http://niggermania.com/raptorman/howtobe/howtobe.htm
  19. Wasn't this on craigslist a long while back? I remember seeing this somewhere but I don't think it was painted like that then.
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