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Seeker > 620 KC

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Everything posted by Seeker > 620 KC

  1. I looked it up in a 86 720 Datsun Sevice Manual and took some pics from the pages. Can’t get them to upload to imgur from my iPad. Will try tomorrow afternoon. The 86 looks like the chime is only associated with rhe door switches, and possibly the ignition. The wiring diagram is much simpler than my SX. In the mean time the 86 manual says the warning chime for the 86 is on the back of the dash as an IC integrated circuit board. It could be a separate device for an earlier model 720 similar to my 80 SX, but I don’t have an earlier 720 manual. Maybe PM AZ Charlie, he’s a 720 guy. But it it looks like there is a component plug to disconnect it if you want. There is a diode built into the door switch that might be bad causing it to malfunction. Looks like the door switch and diode are one unit. One of the pages I photo’d shows how to test it. For trouble shooting my Earlier SX manual says to clean the wire connections, grounds, and mounting screws for the door switches. Could not find a trouble shooting section or the warning chime in the 720 manual. if you want to provide your email or ph # I could email or text the photos to you easier & quicker than tomorrow. Seeker
  2. I have that on my 80 200 SX. It works right, but it drove me crazy and I disconnected it. I think it came on if my seatbelt wasn't connected, if the door was ajar, and if the lights were left on after I removed the key. Mine is up under the dash on the right side. The cover is on the car and most of the dash is currently out. I'll look in the manual tonight and see what all triggers it and if I can find a pic of it. But yours sounds really ill by comparison.
  3. Nice truck. What size rims and tires are those?
  4. Sorry ArchetypeD, Mr. Big Tanker compared the JCCS people who complained about the show to the Canby people to complained and it all went sideways from there: Just like the so called JCCS show people are always complaining about something money, place, people, etc. Why cant people just go to have fun and show what they got no matter how much money you have or don't have in your ride. Places food shirts stickers porta podies all cost money. Trying to bring it back to the Canby Topic... ON the original topic... Has anybody asked if the Canby event can still happen...just on another weekend? Why does it have to be on a specific weekend? Is that little fairgrounds completely booked during the good weather season??? ...
  5. Well if it didn't mean don't come to the event if you can't afford to pay, what did it mean? Sorry if I took it to mean something than other than how it appeared. I love the idea of a Prado Dam/Park event. Pretty centrally located for LA, Orange, IE, and SD counties. It makes it easier to recruit help too. And my apologies to tr8er for hijacking the thread regarding similar event issues. ON the original topic... Has anybody asked if the Canby event can still happen...just on another weekend? Why does it have to be on a specific weekend? Is that little fairgrounds completely booked during the good weather season??? ...
  6. “the judging has always been a complaint,” Then why haven’t they fixed it by now? “but again its to go check out the cars that's all.” Then why have judging at all??? Why not have have no judging like like ER? It’s not that hard to fix. why not Fix it or eliminate it? Why continue frustrating those who show cars? “just pay and have fun.” We aren’t all young and single, and don’t all have high-paying specialty jobs like you who can just throw money at our projects. If people are taken advantage of, or not treated equally at the Canby gate, we speak up and voice our concerns for others to be aware of, and hope organizers hear and fix EM. We don’t all have the money or desire to “just pay” and take the abuse, and come back for more.Just like any market place...we have legitimate concerns and will take actions to our own comfort level. Some will participate less and buy less, some offer feedback, and some quit coming. Just like when parts prices max out, the demand from buyers quickly falls. “Also there was toilets on each side of the show, you just probably did not see them along with all the restraints at the Pike to choose from.” You shouldn’t assume attendees are all unobservant complaining looks-loos. I work for a different so-Cal city who hosts many big public events, and whom works hard to have attendees return and spread the word about the events to others. At JCCS I was on meds that required using the bathroom 4-5 times unexpectedly. While urgently standing in line for port-o potty lines and with no sinks to wash after, I saw kids, 2 pregnant women, and a family with special needs kids who also couldn’t wash up. While walking the entire JCCS perimeter I was motivated to note exactly where all the “heads” and sinks locations were. Only two, with long lines. What restrooms were the food truck employees using, and where were they washing? Should we tell the pregnant mothers to hike out to the restraints to pee, and then stand in line to re-enter? I’d bet City of Long Beach and event organizers didn’t know a real number of attendees, or the city would have required more potties and sinks! i’m still surprised by event’s organizers, volunteers, and attendees who don’t take complaints as valuable feedback in order to learn and improve their event further. Especially when it is about public safety. They don’t say “sorry you had a bad experience,” don’t say “thanks for the feedback,” or “we’ll run it up the chain of command, and try to do better next time. Why not ask their thousands of attendees for feedback to fix current probs? Why not ask them for improvement ideas that could be easy impimented or affordable? Ideas that could make their event better! I assume everyone wants the event to successfully continue? Maybe a Paper survey near the exit gate? Email an anonymous survey? Website survey? (Survey monkey?) I’m always stunned when organizers, volunteers, or other attendees Say things like “ maybe sell your cars and play with LEGO or feed the birds,” basically telling their customers to “F-off. It’s a clear indicator of how much they only care about their needs, their priorities, and the event not changing. Perhaps they only care that they might get in free for helping for an hour or two and get to hang out with their friends. i’d guess they don’t have to pay to show, pay to park, and have very little skin in the game? They may not care about their customer’s needs and interests, nor for easier event facilitation, nor a better show. These statements do however show their lack of innovation, communication, and maturity level. Sorry for the long response. I’ve offering negative feedback for a better event and it was ignored here. I just don’t like being insulted and generalized as a constant or unjustified complainer. Luckily, for next year’s JCCS event... I sat near IE event host Robert. He heard my complaint and volunteered to take the port-0-Potty/sink issue to the next JCCS committee. Nice job Robert. Here’s more positive suggestions: Suggestion: More port-o-potties. More sinks or at least a way to refill them. Plastic 55 gallon water barrel’s in a truck parked close by with gravity fed spout and hose? Hourly sink checks. Anybody could refill them once the truck is parked nearby. Suggestion: Have 2-3 entry gates. Open or close them depending on demand. Empty registers regularly, make bank local deposits to avoid theft rip/offs Suggestion to beat the heat vs. standing in line at a food truck for liquids: : Why not approach a bottled water company and see if they’d donate bottled water to give away if you advertise for them? If not ask for a big discounted purchase price if you advertise their name. Maybe stack cases of water bottles in a Datsun/Nissan flatbed trucking park it just inside the gate. Hang Pureflow or Arrowhead banners on all sides of and have volunteers hand em out. If not maybe these water companies have trucks have staff and vehicles to promote at events for no cost? Walmart sells cases of water for $4. maybe the Long Beach Walmart mgr would donate cases? maybe all the suppliers would? maybe one would supply free water if they were the exclusive supplier to the show? More identified cool zones. Have guys showing cars to bring easy-ups. Group them in specific areas of the event. identify them as temporary cool-off spots. hand out water. Require vendors to supply X cases of water, or hand out water donated water. Or made a condition of vending be to supply extra easy-ups near their stands for a cool zone. Good luck. Hope it improves, learns from other event’s histories, and survives over time. Bigger is not better unless it is manageable. Otherwise it flames out like Cal-Jam.
  7. I've been attending car shows since the early 70's. Considering the mass attendance of people who showed up And the mega line of never-ending people waiting to get into JCCS The expensive entry fee And additional $10 parking fee for spectators, plus an hour and a half drive from SD. It was expensive to attend as a spectator and they only had 4- 6 Datsun trucks??? Ya just had to get me started on the JCCS event in the blazing So-Cal heat with only Port-o-potties and 4 sinks for all those people. eh? All four 4 pump station sinks ran out of water 9:15 AM and the event ran till 1:00 or later. With the amount of sweaty people attending they had plenty of money, and there was a constant line to use the port-o-potties Plus all the food trucks, they way underestimated the health concern. The LA and SD homelss are better supplied. It was a giant sweaty petri-dish. Canby is a far healthier envent. Then, there is the odd grouping of judging catagories. What's a few more plaques cost? I wasted more time driving up and back, waiting in line for port-o-potties, getting food, and waiting to get out of the parking lot, than I did at the event. I'd never pay more time yet to show my truck, and pay more $ yet? No way. It's the first time I've attended JCCS and the certainly the last. And it wasn't just over $. The organizing certainly needs more work.
  8. Mike knows much more about these than I do, he’s prob right about the year. The good news is, most of the operating parts ( water pump, brakes, fuel pump, bearings, body seals,) etc for 78-79 620 are all the same part numbers!
  9. P.S. It also doesn't have a condenser in front of the radiator, another supporting fact it didn't have AC. And DatzenMike's observation about the fender badges not having the 1979 Datsun "by Nissan" fencer badges also supports it is a 1978 620.
  10. My 79 620 door VIN plate doesn't look anything like that one. The "incomplete vehicle" reference probably means it was originally sold to a US company or an individual as a running cab and chassis only without a bed. US companies would special order trucks this way, then mount a flat bed, tool service bed, chassis mounted camper, or something other than a regular bed. Since the tag says the truck was mfg in 2/79 I would guess that is the year the cab and chassis vehicle first sold to a US company or even a customer, probably special ordered. I doubt the vehicle came with an alternate from Japan with an alternate bed, but suppose it is possible. But, all the supporting owner's manual and supporting paper work says 1978. I speculate it was actually manufactured in 1978 and could have been sitting in Japan for that long, or at a US distribution facility, or even at a dealer. Then, the company who manufactured the service bed or camper then generated the new 1979 VIN sticker when they finalized their modifications and when it sold to a customer. The original antenna holes on the passenger side cab leg support it being a 1978 truck (or earlier, but I doubt it.) Also the dash does not have center vents for the AC original, nor does the center console have the control switch where the upper delete plate is. This vehicle more than likely never had original or aftermarket AC. Hope this helps!
  11. Does the VIN number on the title match the VIN plate on the door or in the engine compartment? If not it's the wrong title for the truck. Since there are antenna mounting holes on the passenger side it could be a 78 or earlier cab/truck vs. a 79. The AC rubber delete plugs are still in the firewall, and there is no AC Drier or bracket on the passenger inner fender. There are no monster cast iron AC brackets on the engine either. This truck/cab probably never had AC. But it is possible the cab was swapped as DZMike said. I don't know why it would have the stock electric fuel pump without AC, unless they did a really fantastic job of removing all the elements, and putting back all the delete rubbers/plates? Are there center vents in the dash, or does it have a radio or a delete plate? Post a picture of the dash. Is there a condenser (skinny looking radiator ) mounted in front of the radiator on the grill side of the radiator support bracket? The 78 and 79's with AC had an 8 blade fan vs. a 7 blade fan on the trucks without AC. How many blades on your plastic fan? FYI: Datsun AC was installed on 620 trucks as early as 1978 either at the factory or at the dealer (and the 78 had the Datsun electric fuel pump like that one,) possibly back to 1976. I researched this once and can't remember what cut off date I found. There is an AC section in the 78 Factory Service Manual, but I don't have a 77 or 76 manual to check if there is an AC section in it. Does anybody have a 76 and/or 77 Datsun Factory Service Manual who can tell us if there is or isn't an AC section in it?
  12. If you're still looking for an AC fan I have an original from a 79. The original Datsun AC fans actually had 8 shorter blades with a little more pitch vs. the 7 longer flatter blade fans. They are offset about an inch to the front to clear the 3 grove pulley that bolts to the harmonic balancer. PM me if you want side by side pics of the two fans, measurements, and diagrams from the Datsun AC parts list.
  13. Gene, Gene, Gene, No wonder SDWP is so frustrated with you, and banned you from their club. At yesterday's ER Swap Meet I only talked to you about what parts you had/didn't have. This was only to get my buyers stuff they needed when I didn't have it to sell to them. The by-product of talking with you was... it just so happened to help you (another vendor) get rid of your Datsun parts, and hopefully got you farther away from SDWP. In telling me what parts you had/have... you again told me you are selling off ALL your Datsun parts and vehicles and want out of it all. You told me this same story at the previous ER Swap meet, and stated you don't want anything more to do with Datsuns. And I took your word for it the first time. But yet... you went right ahead and fought hard for your own mini-truck BBQ anyway. Your actions don't match your words. These are polar-opposite conflicting statements, and make absolutely no sense to me. I PM'd you the day before the swap meet requesting we only deal with parts, and not talk about the past. Yesterday you started in talking/ justifying having your own BBQ issue. I quickly changed the topic and left your selling space. I previously posted I made peace with you in a PM to clarify my veteran statements about you. But that did not/does not make us friends. You're another parts vendor I've seen a handful of times. I don't know your address, and vice versa. I've never seen you outside the SWDP BBQ or a swap meet, and based on your words not aligning with your actions, I don't want to. We are absolutely NOT Datsun brothers, whatever that means to you. Making this statement in a public thread is mis-leading to readers, just plain wrong, and I see as more of your manipulation. My friends don't do that to me.
  14. BluebirdSSS: Your "12th Annual" ER swap/show is kinda misleading isn't it? If you've had 3 of these events a year for 12 years, haven't you actually put on 36 shows? That's fantastic! You're the absolute best for putting these on, no mater what you call them ;) And I still like the venue, even if it's and hour and a half drive away. Tdaaj: Thanks for making the long trek from the great north with another load of primo parts, and making my day. Big kudos to your drive crew also. Red13: Thanks for putting the toy "bait" cars on my spot to draw buyers into my space! (P.S. Your son David really cracks me up! Love seeing him at the shows.) RuckyCharms: A big "Thanks" for taking my left-over parts off my hands, I'm just not able to schlep parts back and forth to swap meets any more. (No returns! ;) Always good to see my swap-meet favs: Slim Nelson, James, Juan the Machinist, Julian, The other Juan from Riverside who bought 620 headlight rings, Rodney, John who bought my Z ST rims, and Bananhamuck (Its like talking with one of the three stooges... I can't help but laugh being around him.) Sorry if I left out anyone. Didn't see RivRobert, Chalo, Blue-eyeddevil, and a handful of others. Catch ya next time. GeneKnight: I doubt the $5 you charged me for a 620 split/cracked rubber steering column seal (for a replacement template) would have paid for enough fuel to get that rental truck off the lot. But since you drove from Phoenix to sell stuff, I sent you customers anyway ;) dhp123160: I'm curious and not familiar with diesels. How does a missing fan belt affect your brakes. As long as you have vacuum and the engine is running don't you have brakes? Thanks again! See ya all next time... as a shopper/swapper vs. a seller.
  15. I remember shipping you some free parts at my expense I was giving away. Don't recall ever trading or selling you any parts Charlie. Either way, same back at ya.
  16. Charlie: I've had my "say" about this issue in both BBQ threads. Gene made peace with me 5-6 months ago in a PM, and he no longer involves me. Please leave me and my quotes out of your ongoing arguments with him. It's embarrassing, and I don't want to be further involved with this never-ending juvenile divorce. FYI: A spoiler purchase I made from Nev Tony at the last BBQ was the third strike for SDWP for me. I'm done with both events/groups and don't want to be associated with either. (I will really miss my yearly visits with ex Datsun Dealer and Datsun historian George Koepsel.) Another observation: The SWDP club obviously perpetuates it's own drama. And, there's clearly a "pack mentality" to it. Even if Gene did somehow wrong the club beyond the BBQ issue, it's no wonder he is having such a hard time separating from the club after being involved with it for so many years. PTSD or no PTSD, I really hope he sells-out all his Datsun parts at the ER Swap meet so he can finally move away from it all. Then Gene, SDWP, and this thread, can get some needed peace. (You'd never know by some of the the juvenile BBQ postings" that most of the SDWP club members are 50-60 + years old. Simply embarrassing. )
  17. So sad Ted, No Xmas, birthdays, or holidays for you? Save em or create em, I say!!!
  18. If suggestions are being considered and this isn't premature... I really liked the two day Canby event, and would much rather see it re-locate than fade away into history. I did a quick google search, there are two smaller fairgrounds that may be affordable in Oregon (could be others closer to Portland?): Benton County Fairgrounds in Corvallis. Not sure if they have on-site camping. Douglas Co Fairgrounds in Roseburg. Their website says they have camping spots with hookups. I drive from San Diego to attend Canby and don't complain (much.) But Corvallis would be 65 miles further south from Canby for locals. It would be a good opportunity to drive your Dats down the 101 local towns if you don't want to drive the I-5!
  19. Right on Charlie. I have not looked into these and have not compared installed clearances to the frame and gear box. Had a very difficult time finding one for my SX. Have you found a source for rebuilt/re-resealed Hitachi compressors?
  20. Good installation brainstorming idea Charlie! The important things you’ll want to check first if you’re thinking of installing an original Datsun made 510 AC compressor in a 620 (especially if you still need to run a smog pump) are: Is it an original cast Datsun made cast iron compressor bracket? If so, is it for a square York compressor, or is it for a rotary Hitachi compressor? Either way, for a bolt-in installation you’ll have to find an original rebuilt or resealed York or Hitachi compressor. This is because the Hitachi rotary compressor mounting tabs are different than for the after-markets Sanden compressor. Or you’ll have to locate/ fabricate an adapter bracket to use a Sanden after-market compressor like knoriega did. And, before buying a lot of parts you’ll need to ensure there is clearance between the compressor and the steering gear box. The steering box clearance is different between a 620 and a 720. If the 510 AC compressor bracket is made from plate /bracket steel it is from a US made after market ac unit, probably an ARA unit similar to the 620 diagram posted earlier. (I have that installation diagram too.) It too can still be used, but you will still have to check clearance on the steering box first.
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