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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. That is FUBAR.No wonder our school system(s) are fucked.
  2. How in the hell does a teachers under 35 get friggin' tenure?!!!:mad::mad:
  3. Z-train

    620 brakes

    THe trick is to put some load(not cranked) on the bolts AFTER hosing the axle center with PB blaster and then start beating the drum.USUALLY a good shot on the axle will pop them loose.
  4. Z-train

    620 brakes

    THe bolts are 8X1.25
  5. We're in the middle of a winter cold front-it's 60 out:eek:.Where are my thermals???:blink:
  6. Interesting.You don't see too many F-40s in freight service.
  7. God DAMN she is disgusting.Rubberman-no that's not Miss Kitty.
  8. Z-train

    Oil cooler?

    In addition to what Ryan said oil that is "too cool",just like trans fluid that is not warm enough is really not good for your car.My oil is routed thru the cooler in the radiator,so the temp is right where it should be.:cool:
  9. Mrs.Ponti?:confused: BTW-how'd you like your X-mas card?:D Here's a couple more:
  10. And lastly this one.Anyone care to guess who this smokin' chick is?Hint:Star in the 40's & 50's.but most know her from the 60's.All you old bastards shut-up for a bit-please.
  11. I spent 20 years in Redondo Beach.That state is but a shadow of it's former self.Quite sad actually.
  12. Yeah,but you live in the "Peoples Republic of Kailfornia".
  13. Ahhhhhh,ya bunch of girls.Proper attitude is the key.When i'm sweatin' my ass off for three months out of the year,i just look at it like its "paying dues" for a "shirt-sleeve winter". ANd the truck is rated for a tad over 1100lbs.
  14. 1)No.I was born here.So were my parents.And their parents came thru Ellis Island-LEGALLY.They learned the language,assimilated and weren't a burden to the system.2)Native Americans weren't the first ones here,so the point is moot.And BTW-Fuck the Indians too. 3)What makes me American?The fucking law does. 4)If an innocuous game like this makes YOU want to kill the inventor-then again,YOU have the problem.
  15. Who pointed the gun to your head and said"Open this thread"?
  16. Well you did say "ignorant liberal piece of shit" didn't you? Aren't republicans ignorant too? Only liberals are in favor of illegal border crossers.
  17. Now you have a place to put your stuff while you go out looking for more stuff.:blink:
  18. Possibly a repost. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_t91QeDg9Y :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  19. "Foreign invaders" can be any "race".They are IN FACT foreign invaders as they are entering our country illegally. Canadians don't enter illegally.And as far as Cubans go,yes, i saw a game where you were the commander of a Polaris class sub and the object was to torpedo row boats filled with Cubans.:lol:Extra points if you hit the ones in the inner tubes.:blink: What's Palin got to do with this?
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