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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. How do they get rich WITHOUT creating jobs? I'll wait.
  2. You really are from another fucking planet.
  3. http://www.copart.com/us/search?companyCode_vf=US&Sort=sd&LotTypes=V&YearFrom=1965&YearTo=1983&Make=DATS&ModelGroups=&RadioGroup=Location&YardNumber=&States=&PostalCode=&Distance=99999&searchTitle=1965-1983%2CDATS%2C&cn=1965-1983%2CDATS%2C
  4. You'd never be "bored" with that tunnel-would you?
  5. I tend to agree,but I have even money that says it won't happen.Bernie is even more "un-electable" than Billary.Makes you wonder what the real plan is.
  6. He is better than anyone else running,therefore is the logical choice.
  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/watch-one-of-the-baddest-a-10-pilots-ever-land-after-being-hit-by-a-missile-2016-4?ref=yfp
  8. Business requires you to have deals with the enemy. This is business 101. Trump & Clintion-compadres? Fucking ludicrous.
  9. The idea that Trump and Bill are "tag teaming" is THE most stupid fucking idea of the past Century.
  10. Why does everyone say that when the truth comes out?
  11. Any more proof needed that liberalism is a disease?
  12. Joe Kennedy bought the election for JFK.It today's media existed during JFK's time,he would have made Clinton look celibate. Then there's the Captain of the Chappaquiddick rescue squad. Then there's RFK-he basically got his brother killed.
  13. And Obama has some of the best(teleprompter not-withstanding)And he is the biggest piece of shit to EVER sit in the WH. Your point is moot. And BTW-the Kennedys were/are the biggest pieces of crap to ever darken our country political system.
  14. This is the way it is. This AND based on his "promise" to "not go to jail"-He was armed.
  15. This is what you don't understand: It is completely IRRELEVANT whether had had a weapon or not. He always carried, there were pictures(numerous) of him wearing a side arm. There-fore he WAS armed and was treated accordingly.
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