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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Obvisously,the reasoning behind participation in something I hate escapes your limited cognitive abilities. Please prattle on.
  2. We needed confirmation that you are a really safe distance from genius.Thanks.
  3. Machines & people-sometimes all they understand is a good beating.
  4. Up-date:Left turn signal stays on(doesn't blink) and when it's on-all the lights in the truck come on.
  5. last night and step on the brakes. Every light except headlights comes on.I'm under the gun,any thoughts?
  6. http://www.copart.com/us/Lot/24172126?searchId=1734401417
  7. The wife doesn't understand how I can hear "round".
  8. I was working for So.Cal Gas co. when that happened. I was in the middle of it all.Pictures up the wazoo.
  9. Please put your seatback in the upright position....
  10. then explain the shipping containers in the background,the lifting lug right in front of the canopy and the weather-proof suit.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3KQAoZbFRY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQmd4MRUUKwhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcb5PETou9g
  12. Is there an election taking place on another planet that we don't know about?
  13. He lived in his parents basement until he was 44. He's never held a job.
  14. An easier way of putting it is that railroads are the cock sucking-est cock suckers that EVER sucked a cock.
  15. DHP- Railroad unions are an aberration in the total "union picture"(Sorry best term I could come up with).They are needed, as railroads, after they hire you expend tremendous effort to fire you. Example: If I'm on the ground at the back end of an 8000ft long train setting out the rear car and I tell the Engineer to take it ahead 5 cars and he runs thru a de-rail or gets past a Red Signal/joint-I get fired right along with him, because we are supposed to be a "team", even though I'm 1.5 miles from the incident. So you get pulled out of "service". You are entitled to a "hearing". So you need "representation". This is where the union comes in. Some times you win the hearing and are put back to work with back pay. Sometimes you lose and are fired for a period of time(anywhere from 15 days to 60 days). So in railroading unions are a necessary evil.The UTU sold us down the river at the last contract negotiations and the BLE became affiliated with the Teamsters. As to unions themselves,I hate them.But here I have no choice. Having said this,I actually hold two union positions-Sgt. At arms and Steward for issues at our away-from-home terminals.Why do I do this?One it benefits my co-workers and two it gives me carte blanche to mother fook the unions at will.
  16. Collings Foundation has the Tondelayo is out on tour this year with them. http://www.winsorwhite-photos.com/Airplanes/World-War-II-Warbirds/B-25J-Mitchell-Tondelayo/
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