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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Whats your reasoning for using 510 hubs?
  2. This is a photoshop thread... who fucking cares about reality. Have you people even looked at previous entries before?! Shit gets ridiculous.
  3. I say this with any Datsun news related item... if the news is more than say a day or two, its been posted on this site already. And by a week its been posted at least 3 times. This is a site devoted to Datsuns. At least one of the 200 active members is on the ball and jumps on any news right as it comes out. We appreciate your enthusiasm though. Welcome to the site. Lets just lock this and OP can go update his build thread or something.
  4. Let me know if you need some help... I cant enter since I won last time, but I can lend a hand B)
  5. Since I would a winner last time as well, Ill throw in a couple Rat and Wrenches stickers and something else in the package to whomever the winner is.
  6. Im actually running an L20 right now. I just wanted to see if the wiring plugs were the same between the years.
  7. Gojira has a turbo kit made for the L: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/47254-1971-510-two-door-with-l20b-turbo/
  8. Im looking to switch out and upgrade the alternator in my 69 to stop the lights from flashing and give everything a little more power. Looking around at all my options and one of the happens to be picking one up through Rockauto for $30. If I get whats listed for the 69, then its only a 35amp. If I get whats listed for a 70 then I have numerous larger options (including a 65amp Im interested in). Are there any differences in wiring between the years for these things? Just curious why 69 wouldnt be included in the compatibility list for the larger alts.
  9. I didnt say anything... I was obviously quoting Bryan.
  10. Yes. I actually thought this is what the thread was about when I clicked on it...
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