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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. No, but I have been unbelievably busy with life. Im glad you missed me... Ill stop by your thread and talk shit here in a minute or two. So in summation here has been whats going on: 1. Life went to shit 2. Beyond broke 3. Couldnt keep up 4. Got a new job 5. Currently scraping by but at least no longer going downhill 6. Massive amounts of overtime at my machinist job as well as many websites built to pull in a few extra dollars 7. Life steadying out 8. Still beyond broke 9. Still successfully DD'ing the 510 10. ??? 11. Profits My goal right now is to figure out what Step 10 is so that I can get to Step 11. Any ideas? Since I have had no money or real time to do anything, the car is basically where it was last time I was active here. Since I dont have any funds to buy anything new, I have been trying to keep my head in the game by doing some mods or upkeep with parts I have laying around the garage. I took my rusty hubcaps and door sills into work and used the sand blaster on them during a lunch break. They are still a little beat up, but they are now all rust free (about 90% I would say) so that makes me happy. Before: After: I was able to straighten them out with a rubber mallet and some selectively placed aluminum bar found in the shop. They are mostly straight though still pretty dinged up. Im thinking about having them powdercoated in wrinkle black to match the planned valve cover and items for the trunk space. I wanted to make sure they fit well and were straight enough so I have the sills installed (sans screws) on the passenger-side; I really like the look. Since I work graveyard, I installed them then and dont have pictures due to the amount of light available. Once I get a chance, Ill snap a few pictures of them. They are currently just sandblasted matte silver, but they do look sweet installed. Ive also decided to install the weather stripping that has been sitting in the garage for months. I went to install it quite some time ago, but the adhesive I was using sucked hardcore so I gave up. Its super drafty and noisy in the car so I really want to get them in. What are people using to install weatherstipping?- is there some sort of 3M product? And lastly, Ive had this for awhile as well, but since I have no money for a hub... it just sits in the house in its box. I think I might have mentioned it before, but Ive never posted pictures of it. Here is the steering wheel I plan on running:
  2. Probably do both... Im sure I could find single covers somewhere, but have never seen doubles.
  3. Yes the cowl of a vehicle is the area where the windshield wipers are... But that doesnt stop the reverse scoop from being a cowl/cowling... Just not "the cowl." A cowl/cowling is just a streamline metal covering used to aide in engine draft. But I will give you that they are commonly used for gases entering the engine compartment and not exiting the engine compartment.
  4. No, that loks like a 620 truck console. AFAIK, Japan was the only place to receive consoles... The consoles look like this, with a few variations depending on what model it came out of:
  5. No need for a diagram; they are basically cowls then. I would assume that the air escaping them would be negligible for downforce, but if you're into symmetry then I understand. Personally, I enjoy the single cam hump, but if I wanted to make the car symmetrical I would have just made one large one or went with an Evo style hood. Something about two humps make it look funny personally.
  6. And curious... whats the purpose of the passenger-side hood bulge?
  7. People do it in a lot of threads, its not just you. Go into Jalens thread if you want to see some hate. Just keep on going and posting updates... most of the people here just like to see pictures and someone putting in some real effort into a car.
  8. Jalen, you cant talk any shit... look at your POS Z. Just ignore everyone thats talking shit... it will make your thread easier. Most people here arent into widebodies, or Eclipses, or FWD so youre a little screwed. Just keep going with your project if it makes you happy; seems like youre doing fine. And for the record, Ive seen a few 4G drivetrains converted to RWD without a lot of issues. People talk a lot of shit about projects when they have never done them themselves... locking up the diff is easy and it can take the abuse. Me personally would just convert to RWD instead of force the FWD to RWD. There is a whole community out there building RWD Mitsu engines. Check out http://projectzerog.com/forum/
  9. She looks easy to approach... Shes even wearing bunny ears. Cute.
  10. I havent posted in here because I have nothing more to say. You guys have been going crazy in here and are adding nothing to the situation. I have no issue with it being a public matter (hence the thread creation), but going all crazy is another thing. All items have shipped. Everything will work itself out. Things in life just got all out of hand for me real fast and I couldn't keep up. I'm really not the type of guy to do this and I am really sorry it came to this. It's not like I planned this out... I've done thousands of dollars in transactions here with no hiccups. Hell I just sent Just_Joel a package free of charge. I was already home and was going to have to shop Thursday because of the holiday. I decided to leave and ship tonight, didn't charge him for the item I sent, and didn't charge for shipping. If some of you choose not to do business with me in the future, I understand. I'm not angry with anyone over their reaction to a "scammer." just know this really isn't me and if I was, I would have just it my losses and ran with both the money and the parts... Left Ratsun and ignored everyone's texts and calls. I'm still here and being a man about it; I'm not going anywhere. I hope one day I can be at the level of respect I was once at. I'll work on it. At some point I'll be able to make it up to the three guys that got screwed over, but that's not right now. I'll figure something out to completely square up. I won't forget them. Everyone calm down and lets get back to what Ratsun is about... Kickass Dattos and titties.
  11. Get rid of that door trim :sick:
  12. Things have been hectic and I haven't been on here in a while. Everything should have arrived but if not it should be any day. I know patience is hard to ask for so I understand... I work graveyard so when I get off in the morning I'll th to look for tracking numbers. Everything should be cleared up. And so everyone knows, Jrock HAS been hassling me to get going on all of this. He's been trying to make sure everything goes smooth.
  13. http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/datsun-510-parts-emblems-1.html
  14. You know, Ive contemplated making some fiberglass headlight covers. Maybe down the road when Im running out of things to do... I think they are so awesome.
  15. My parents live in the 661 and I visit... I usually dont have the Datto when I do, but Im thinking the next trip down I will be driving. Edit: Yeah, my parents live in Tehachapi.
  16. Since everyone keeps saying the same thing about rocks, Ill change it up a bit. I still say no boso, but only for the fact that the car doesnt fit the rest of the look. I find it horribly out of place with the way your car sits now so I dont think it will look as good as you are hoping.
  17. That was BananaHammocks kid.
  18. He never said they didnt turn on... just that they werent wired properly. Its hard to troubleshoot an electrical problem if its arent wired correctly. Personally, if I could tell that it wasnt the way it should be, I would rewire the headlights by following the diagram I posted. Then if Im still having issues, I would follow suit with that Laecon posted. Now I wouldnt rewire anything if they dont work and youre just assuming its not wired properly.
  19. I love Datsun 1000s! Cant wait to see how this turns out.
  20. Maybe youre just winging it, but with a diagram you should be able to wire the headlights up by yourself pretty easy. I would suggest going to relays while youre at it as well. Look below for a picture to help you out. Just a few wires and you will be good to go:
  21. Haha yeah, just a silly moment.
  22. It was me being retarded... its like what they do for race tracks, but I was just being different so I didnt go with crosses. It was just done for that event; I dont drive around like that every day.
  23. So after the Old School Reunion, I started stealing some of the images I could find of my car (some of them are good... some meh):
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