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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I was thinking of running the tap on the drill press so I knew I was getting a straight tap... I also checked my math on the threads and they should be sitting a lot lower. I brought them in from the car and will be making sure the threads go all the way. Ive also cut four more tonight. Im trying for another few while Im at work... after that, Im out of stock and will have to buy some.
  2. Yeah, the lathe I was working on has taping capabilities, but I've never done it that way and I guess the process needed some decent explaining. The guy who was showing me the operation of that lathe had a meeting to go to, so I didn't get the chance to learn how. I've taped by hand before, so I went that route. I'll report tonight on the status is the threads. I almost positive I can get it more low-pro. When I designed the part, I had that in mind and my math should be sound... It's just the implementation. So far I like cutting my own shit; fun work.
  3. Agree. I've made a few little notes on what I want to change on these. I'd like them a little lower, I'm thinking of putting either a radius along the disks edges, or like a 45* edge cut. I was taping by hand, so I think I'm just not going all the way down. The threads should start .094in from the top of the part, so that's pretty low. I haven't driven it yet so I'm unsure of how comfortable it is. I'll probably pull them out at work tonight and run the tap through them again... Try to get deeper. I also think if I use one of the machines to tap, I'll have better control.
  4. Thanks! I'm pretty excited since those are the first pieces I've really made. I want to improve on them a bit so I have some ideas. I have asked to make them for a few people so of looks like I'm going to be cutting more tonight. I really didn't plan on selling them right now, but if you want a set ( or four if you have four doors) just PM me and well talk.
  5. Good to know, thanks! I have one about a block from my house.
  6. I like to think this way... sometimes having something cooler or a little more rare is something better than "the best" stuff out there. KAs are generally better than L20s, but now you have a EFI L20... how cool is that?! Hopefully you pick that shish up.
  7. Ok, here we go... a little story before the pictures. The door lock pulls were horse shit in my car. They were dry, cracked, sun-bleached white in some places so I decided to pick up some new ones. I only knew of two places to get them. There were OEM replacements available at a merchant whom most do not do business with and a member here on Ratsun who made aluminum ones. Well, I hated the style that were offered here on Ratsun (Im sure they were great quality), so I bought them from the other guy. Needless to say, they sucked. I know he doesnt make them himself, so I really dont fault him, but they felt cheap and crappy, a few barely threaded on... they sucked. So I decided on a style I wanted and cut my own. I can now call myself a real machinist now as I have officially designed the part, setup to machine from scratch, cut the part manually, and finished them myself. All work done by me and I think they came out fantastic. 100% happy with them. I have a bit more bar stock left so Im contemplating making a decent run of them. We shall see what happens, but either way Im loving them so far. Onto the pictures: OEM piece: OEM reproduction: Parts I designed and cut: Blurry closeup (sorry): Locked: Unlocked: Outside in the rain picture: They are currently a mostly shiny silver from the cutting process, but Im probably going to brush them up to match my sill plates.
  8. Haha no worries man. Im sure little brothers are always embarrassing. I thought they only did that for tires they sold you. I will have to look into that. Uploading oics for todays progress!!!!! Stay tuned.
  9. I got mine a couple years ago. Little martini glass. Im a little confused... if you have them memorized, why would you say they are not allowed in the Navy? All current Uniform Regs and NAVADMINS allow for hand tattoos. Those are the gayest dolphins Ive ever seen... not the worst mind you, just the gayest. You said you were here in 05/09?- what boat?
  10. Calm down there buddy... Maybe theres something lost in translation here. I was only making a statement, not trying to tell you what to do. You obviously dont get it, Ill just move on. Good luck with your search.
  11. Yeah, I got all of mine while in the service as well. I just got out in December. I've got a full left sleeve, my knuckles, each calf, and a bit of my stomach done. The rules have changed quite a bit over the years and it's a little more strict now. Dawa, if you really want to commit to tattoos while in the Navy, hit me with a PM and I'll give you all the details. I know all the tattoo and hair regs by heart as those were the two issues I pushed the most.
  12. Ive been thinking of taking the dsah out of mine for wire cleanup, LED retro-fit, and fresh air vent blocking, but Im not sure I want to tackle it with a car I have to DD. Maybe if I started early on a Friday I could have it done by the time I had to go to work on a Monday. Glad to hear you can save one from the grave!
  13. Theres cosplaying maids there? Fuck... Man, two of the best restaruants Ive ever been to (for atmosphere) were in Japan. One was where alll the waitresses were 19-20yr old girls (who looked 13) were dressed up as slutty lolitas and the other was a super sluttly S&M/BDSM place. It was crazy or anything, but every time the waitress would come up to you, you had to talk shit about them and you were allowed to spank/pinch the girls. The basically just worshed you while you treated them like shit. Food was good at both places too. Wish I was closer for this meet... sounds like a cool place.
  14. So with the help of GoonFan (once again lol) I was able to change my tire to a good one. At least this time I had my own rim and tire to put on... I just used Goon's jack. With the car so low and even lower since it wasnt on an aired up tire, I had to put the jack under the frame in front of the tire and just behind the bumper. That was not a spot I wanted to use as a jack-point. I took it slow and it all worked out. Headed to get a new tire tomorrow or I might just have them patch the current one since it looks like there was no damage done during the flat. On lunch right now at work and finished designing my first piece to be cut tomorrow once I get off work. Im probably going to be running on it on the manual lathe since I thik thats the only machine we have open currently. Be on the look out for part oics tomorrow late morning/afternoon.
  15. I dont even think carboard would keep the weight up! :rofl:
  16. Actually thats fully within regulations... re-read the Uniform Regs. I got my knuckles done while I was in about 8mo or so ago. The only place you cannot have tattoos is head, neck, face, and scalp.
  17. What kind of parts are you interested in?
  18. That 4dr. is the one thats for sale isnt it? He wants like $18k for it I think.
  19. Doesnt this belong in the Hotties and Dotties thread? Damn those bitches be fine :sneaky:
  20. You have three pieces of tail lights pictured. The two right ones are GL pieces and you name the left one "Mexican." the set I posted are what I thought Mexican tail lights were... Just letting you know I don't think your left set are what you call them. I can't help you with their real name though, never seen them before. Good luck with your search.
  21. The flat: Small silver circle is a nail:
  22. And I look like an idiot talking about nothing because this thread was cleaned up.
  23. Wow... This is something to wake up to. I'm going to PM you Jon.
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